

单词 stamp
释义 tamp v 1 [I, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.a]~ sth (down) put (one´s foot) down heavily on (the ground, etc); flatten (sth) by doing this 重重地踩在(地面等)上; 跺; 踏平, 踩扁(某物)     He stamped (his foot) in anger. 他气得直跺脚.     stamping the ground to keep warm 跺脚使身体暖和     She stamped the soil (flat/down) round the plant. 她把那株植物周围的土踩(平[实])了. 2 [I, Ipr, Ip] walk with loud heavy steps 迈著很重的步子走; 跺著脚走     Don´t stamp, you´ll wake everyone up. 脚步别这麽重, 会把大家都吵醒的.     stamp about 跺著脚到处走     stamp out of a room 迈著沉重的步子走出房间     stamp upstairs 脚步重重地走上楼. 3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ A (on B); ~ B (with A) print (a design, the date, lettering, etc) on paper, cloth or some other surface; mark (paper, etc) with a design, an official seal, etc 在纸、 布或其他物体表面印上(图案、 日期、 文字等); 在(纸等)的上面盖图案、 公章等     They didn´t stamp my passport. 我的护照上没盖章.     The librarian forgot to stamp my library books, ie with the date on which they should be returned. 图书管理员忘了在我借的书上盖日期了.     stamp one´s name and address on an envelope/stamp an envelope with one´s name and address 把自己的姓名地址盖在信封上     crates of oranges stamped with the exporter´s trademark 印有出口商牌子的装著橙子的板条箱. 4 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] stick a postage stamp or some other stamp on (a letter, etc) 在(信)上贴邮票; 贴其他的票於(某物)     I enclose a stamped addressed envelope for your reply. 兹附上贴有邮票并写好地址的回邮信封. 5 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) (from sth) cut and shape (metal, etc) into pieces by striking it with a specially shaped tool or cutter 冲压(金属等)     a machine for stamping out engine parts 冲压发动机部件的机器. 6 [Tn, Tn.pr]~ sth (on sb/sth) (fig 比喻) impress or fix sth permanently 使某事物铭记或牢固附著     stamp one´s personality/authority on a game, ie as an outstanding player 把自己的特长[权威性]带到某项运动中(因技艺超群)     The date is stamped on her memory forever. 那个日子她永志不忘. 7 [Cn.n/a] ~ sb as sth give a certain character to sb; mark sb out as sth 赋予某人以某特徵; 表明某人为...     This achievement stamps her as a genius. 这一成就已足见她是个天才. 8 (phr v) stamp sth off (sth) remove sth by stamping with the foot 跺掉某物     stamped the mud off their shoes (他们)把鞋上的泥跺掉. stamp on sth (a) crush sth by bringing one´s foot down heavily on it 将某物踩扁、 踩碎或踩烂     stamp on a spider 踩死一只蜘蛛. (b) control or suppress sth, esp by force; quell sth 控制或压制某事物(尤指用武力); 镇压; 平息     The rebellion was soon stamped on by the army. 军队很快平息了叛乱. stamp sth out (a) extinguish (a fire, etc) by stamping 踩灭(火等)     stamp out the embers of the camp fire 把篝火的余烬踏灭. (b) eliminate, destroy or suppress sth, esp by force or vigorous action 消除、 毁灭或压制某事物(尤指用武力或积极行动)     stamp out terrorism, a rebellion, an epidemic disease 剪除恐怖活动、 镇压叛乱、 消灭流行病. stamp n 1 small piece of paper (usu rectangular, with perforated edges) with an official design on it, stuck on an envelope or a parcel or a document to show that postage or duty or some other fee has been paid 邮票; 印花     an 18p stamp 18便士的邮票     a book of (postage) stamps 一本邮票     I´d like three first-class stamps, please. 请给我三张第一类邮件的邮票.     collecting stamps, ie as a hobby 集邮     [attrib 作定语]a stamp collection 收集的邮票. 2 (also `trading stamp) similar piece of paper given to customers with purchases,exchangeable for various articles or goods 酬宾赠物票. 3 instrument with which a design, mark, etc is stamped on a surface 印章; 图章     a rubber stamp, ie one on which a design, words, etc are cut, used for printing dates, signatures, addresses, etc 橡皮图章. 4 design, word(s), etc made by stamping on a surface 印记; 戳记     Have you got any stamps in your passport? 你的护照盖印了吗? 5 act or sound of stamping with the foot 跺脚; 跺脚声     give a stamp of impatience 不耐烦地跺脚. 6 (usu sing 通常作单数) (fml fig 文, 比喻) characteristic mark or quality 特点; 特质; 烙印     She bears the stamp of genius. 她有天才的特质.     His face bears the stamp of suffering. 他的脸上有饱经苦难的烙印.     Their story has the stamp of truth, ie seems very likely to be true. 他们说的这事儿看来是真的. 7 (usu sing 通常作单数) (fml fig 文, 比喻) kind; class; sort 种类; 类型     men of a different stamp 另一类的人.




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