

单词 stair
释义 stair n 1 stairs [pl] series of fixed steps from one floor of a building to another, usu inside (楼层之间的)楼梯(通常在建筑物内)     climb a long/short flight of stairs 上一大[小]段楼梯     She always runs up/down the stairs. 她总是跑著上[下]楼梯.     I passed her on the stairs. 我在楼梯上遇见她了.     The stairs need cleaning. 楼梯该打扫一下了.     at the foot/head of the stairs, ie at the bottom/top of a set of stairs 在楼梯的下端[上端]. 2 [C] any one of these steps 梯级     The child was sitting on the bottom stair. 那孩子正坐在楼梯最下面的一级上.     The top stair is broken. 楼梯最上面的一级坏了. =>illus 见插图. 3 (idm 习语) below `stairs (dated 旧) in the basement of a house (in large houses, formerly the part used by servants) 在地下室(指大房子中的, 旧时为仆人用的)     Their affairs were being discussed below stairs, ie by the servants. 他们的仆人正在谈论他们的事情. stair, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     (Flights of) stairs are mostly found inside houses or other buildings where people live or work (eg an office block) *(flights of) stairs多见於房屋或其他供人居住或工作的建筑物(如办公楼)中     He finds it difficult to climb the stairs with his bad leg.他的一条腿有毛病, 上楼梯很困难.     vacuum the stairs 用吸尘器打扫楼梯. A staircase is the part of the building including the stairs and banisters and sometimes the walls and ceilings surrounding them *staircase指建筑物内容纳楼梯及其栏杆的部分, 有时包括周围的墙壁和天花板     We must redecorate the staircase. 我们得把楼梯重新装饰一下. (Flights of) steps are usually made of stone or concrete and found outside or in an uninhabited building. *(flights of) steps通常为石料或混凝土制成的, 建於户外或非住房型的建筑物中. We also talk of individual steps which make up a staircase or a flight of steps *steps还可用以指构成楼梯或一段台阶的梯级     I´ll meet you on the steps of the museum. 我在博物馆的台阶上和你相见.     There are 150 steps to the top of the tower. 到塔顶有150级台阶.     sitting on the top/bottom step 坐在最上[下]的梯级上.




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