

单词 spurt
释义 spurt v 1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (out) (from sth) (of liquids, flame, etc) come out in a sudden burst; gush (指液体、 火焰等)喷出, 迸出, 涌出     water spurting from a broken pipe 从破裂的管子中喷出的水     Blood spurted (out) from the wound. 血从伤口涌出. (b) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) send out (liquids, flame, etc) in this way 喷出(液体、 火焰等)     The wound was spurting blood. 伤口淌著血.     The volcano spurted (out) molten lava. 火山喷出了熔岩. 2 [I] increase one´s speed, effort, etc suddenly, esp in a race or other contest 突然加速、 用力等; (尤指在赛跑等竞赛中)冲刺     The runner spurted as he approached the line. 那赛跑选手在接近终点线时加速冲刺. spurt, n 1 sudden bursting out; gush 喷射; 涌出     The water came out with a spurt. 水喷了出来. 2 sudden burst of speed, effort, activity, etc 突然的加速; 劲头的迸发; 活跃程度的突然增大     put on (ie make) a spurt 突然加速     make a spurt for the line 向终点线冲刺     a sudden spurt of energy, anger 精力的迸发、 突发的怒火     working in spurts 一阵阵地拚命工作.




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