

单词 spring
释义 spring n 1 [C] act of springing or jumping up; jump 跳; 跳跃     With an easy spring the cat reached the branch. 那猫轻轻一跃就够到了树枝. 2 [C] (place where there is) water coming up naturally from the ground; flow of this 泉; 泉水; 有泉水处; 泉水的流淌: a `hot spring 温泉     a `mineral spring 矿泉     [attrib 作定语] spring water 泉水. 3 [C] device of twisted, bent or coiled metal or wire that can be pushed, pulled or pressed but tends to return to its original shape or position when released (used to drive clockwork, make seats more comfortable, etc) 弹簧; 发条: a watch spring 表的发条     the springs in an armchair 单座沙发内的弹簧     [attrib 作定语] a spring-`mattress, ie one containing spiral springs in a rigid frame 弹簧床垫     Don´t bounce on the bed you´ll break the springs! 别在床上乱蹦--你要把弹簧弄断了! =>illus 见插图. 4 [U, sing] (a) elastic quality; elasticity 弹性; 弹力     an old trampoline that has lost some of its spring 失去一些弹性的旧蹦床. (b) (fig 比喻) lively, healthy quality 活力     walk with a spring in one´s step/heels 脚步轻快地行走. spring n 1 [U, C] the first season of the year (in which plants begin to grow), coming between winter and summer, ie from March to May in the northern hemisphere 春季; 春天     [attrib 作定语] spring flowers, weather 春季的花、 天气     In (the) spring leaves begin to grow on the trees. 树木在春天开始长出叶子. 2 (idm 习语) full of the joys of spring => full. spring v (pt sprang , pp sprung ) 1 [Ipr, Ip] jump quickly or suddenly, esp from the ground in a single movement; move suddenly (eg from a hiding-place or a position of relaxation) 蹦; 跃起; 跳出; 突然活动(如从隐藏处或松弛状态)     spring out of bed, into action, to one´s feet 一跃下床、 立即投入行动、 突然站起     A cat sprang out of the bushes. 灌木丛中窜出一只猫来.     sprang (up) from his seat (他)从座位上一跃而起     He sprang forward to help me. 他纵身上前帮我一把. =>Usage at jump2 用法见jump2. 2 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) operate by means of a mechanism (使某物)藉机械装置操作     spring a mine, ie cause it to explode 触雷     spring a trap, ie cause it to close suddenly 触发捕捉器     The box sprang open. 盒子弹开了. 3 [Tn] (a) (infml 口) help (a prisoner, etc) to escape 帮助(囚犯等)逃跑     spring a convict from gaol 帮囚犯越狱. (b) cause (an animal) to leave a hiding-place 使(动物)离开躲藏处. 4 (idm 习语) come/spring tomind => mind1. spring a `leak (of a boat, ship, container,etc) develop a hole so that water enters or leaks out (指船、 容器等)破裂漏水. spring to `life suddenly become active 突然活跃起来     On hearing his name called the sleeping dog sprang to life. 那狗正在睡觉, 听到有人唤它, 猛地惊醒过来. 5 (phr v) spring back return suddenly to its previous or usual position, having been pushed, bent, etc (被推、 折弯等後)弹回到原来的位置     The branch sprang back and hit me in the face. 树枝弹回来打在我脸上. spring from sth/... (a) have sth as a source or origin; originate from sth 发源於某事物; 来自某事物; 出身於     He sprang from peasant stock. 他是农民出身.     Hatred often springs from fear. 仇恨常常源於恐惧. (b) (infml 口) appear suddenly or unexpectedly from (a place) 从(某处)突然地或意外地出现     Where on earth did you spring from? 你是打哪儿冒出来的? spring sth on sb (infml 口) present, introduce or propose sth suddenly to sb as a surprise or without warning 向某人突然说出或提出某事物(令人惊奇或猝不及防)     spring bad news on sb 单刀直入把坏消息告诉某人     spring a surprise on sb 使某人感到惊奇     I hate to spring this on you at such short notice. 很抱歉, 向你突如其来提出这件事. spring up appear, develop, grow, etc quickly or suddenly 迅速地或突然地出现、 发展、 生 长等     weeds springing up everywhere 很快长得到处都是的杂草     A breeze sprang up as we were returning. 我们回来时突然起了一阵轻风.     New houses were springing up all over the town. 全镇各处很快盖起了新房子.     Doubts have begun to spring up in my mind. 我突然起了疑心.




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