

单词 SOS
释义 SOS n[sing] (a) urgent message for help (sent by radio, etc, usu in code) from a ship, an aircraft, etc when in danger 紧急求救信号(船只、 飞机等发出的, 通常为无线电代码)     send an SOS to the coastguard 向海岸警卫队发出求救信号     [attrib 作定语] an SOS message 紧急求救信号. (b) urgent appeal for help or response (eg a radio broadcast to find relatives of a seriously ill person) 紧急求助或寻人呼叫(如为重病人寻找亲属的无线电广播)     We heard the SOS about Bill´s father on the car radio. 我们从汽车收音机里听到了有关比尔父亲的紧急寻人广播.     (joc 谑) Our daughter sent us an SOS for some more money. 我们的女儿给我们发来了再要点钱的求救信号. Cf 参看 mayday.




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