

单词 solid
释义 solid adj 1 not in the form of a liquid or gas; keeping its shape; firm 固体的; 保持形状的; 密实的     solid fuels, eg coal, wood 固体燃料(如煤、 木)     solid food, ie not liquid or slightly liquid 固体食物     When water freezes it becomes solid and we call it ice. 水遇冷凝结, 称之为冰.     This horse has good solid muscle on him. 这匹马长得很结实. 2 without holes or spaces; not hollow 实心的; 无孔的; 无空隙的     a solid sphere 实心的球体     The word `teapot´ is a solid compound, ie not hyphenated. teapot是个连写的复合词(即中间无连字符).     The demonstrators stood in a solid line with linked arms. 示威的人一字排开, 挽著手臂紧挨在一起. 3 (a) [attrib 作定语] of the same substance throughout; containing only one (specified) material 单一物质的; 纯的     solid gold bath taps 纯金的浴缸龙头     steps cut in the solid rock 在整块岩石上凿出的台阶     solid silver cutlery 纯银刀叉餐具. (b) of one (specified) colour only (某种)单一颜色的     the solid blue sky of the painting 那幅画上的一片蔚蓝的天空. 4 strong and firm in construction; able to support weight or resist pressure; substantial 坚固的; 结实的; 可支撑重物的; 耐压的; 实在的     solid buildings 坚固的建筑物     solid furniture 结实的家具     built on solid foundations 在坚实的地基上建造的     on solid ground 在牢固的基础上. 5 that can be depended on; reputable and reliable 牢靠的; 有信誉的; 可靠的     solid arguments 有说服力的论点     a solid business firm, ie one without financial or other problems 实力雄厚的公司     a woman of solid character 为人可靠 的女子     a good solid worker 工作出色、 可靠的人. 6 in complete agreement; unanimous 一致的     The miners were solid on this issue. 矿工们在这件事上是一条心的.     There was a solid vote in favour of the proposal. 提案获全体一致通过. 7 [attrib or immediately following a n 作定语或用於名词之後] without a break or pause; continuous 无间断的; 连续的     wait for a solid hour 整整等上一个钟头     sleep ten solid hours/ten hours solid 一觉睡十个小时. 8 (geometry 几) having length, breadth and thickness; three-dimensional 立体的     a solid figure, eg a cube 立体图形(如立方体)     solid geometry, ie study of solid, not flat figures 立体几何学. 9 (idm 习语) firm/solid as a rock => rock1. solid, n 1 substance or object that is solid, not a liquid or gas 固体     Cheese is a solid; milk is a liquid. 乾酪是固体, 奶是液体.     The baby is not yet taking solids, ie solid foods. 那婴儿还不能吃固体食物. 2 (geometry 几) figure of three dimensions, having length, breadth and thickness 立体图形     A cube is a solid. 正方体是立体图形.




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