

单词 slip
释义 slip n 1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] act of slipping; false step 滑动; 滑倒; 失足     One slip and you could fall off the cliff. 脚下一滑就可能从悬崖上跌下去. 2 [C] minor error caused by carelessness or lack of attention 小错误; 小疏忽: make a slip 失误     There were a few trivial slips in the translation. 译文中有几个小错误. 3 [C] (a) loose sleeveless garment worn under a dress; petticoat (有肩带的)衬裙. (b) = gym-slip (gym). 4 [C] = pillowcase (pillow). 5 [C] thin or small piece of paper 纸条     a salary slip, ie giving details of earnings, tax paid, etc 薪金单(列有收入、 税款等细节)     write a phone number on a slip of paper 把电话号码写在纸条上. 6 [C] cutting1(2) taken from a plant for grafting or planting 接穗或插条(嫁接或种植用的). 7 the slips [pl] = slipway (slip2). 8 (a) [C] (in cricket) (position of a) fielder standing close behind and usu to the off side of the batsman (板球赛中)通常位於击球员右後方的外场员(的位置)     first/second/third slip 第一[第二/第三]外场员     Who is (at) first slip? 谁在第一外场员位置? (b) the slips [pl] place where these fielders stand 上述外场员的守球区     fielding in the slips 在击球员右後方的位置守球. 9 [U] almost liquid clay for coating earthenware or making patterns on it 泥釉(涂於陶器上作表层或图样的). 10 (idm 习语) give sb the `slip (infml 口) escape from or get away from (sb following or chasing one) 摆脱或避开(尾随者或追逐者)     We managed to give our pursuers the slip. 我们设法甩掉了後面追来的人. a `slip of a boy, girl, thing, child, etc a slightly-built boy, etc 瘦削的男孩等     She´s just a slip of a thing, but she can run faster than all of us. 别看她那麽瘦, 跑起来比我们谁都快. a slip of the `pen/`tongue minor error in writing/speech 笔误[口误]     A slip of the tongue made me say Robert instead of Richard. 我说走了嘴把理查德说成了罗伯特. there´s ,many a ,slip ´twixt (the) ,cup and (the) `lip (saying 谚) things can easily go wrong before one gets what one wants, expects, hopes for, etc 事情往往会功败垂成     They think they´ll win the election easily, but there´s many a slip ´twixt cup and lip. 他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜, 但事情往往会功败垂成. slip v (-pp-) 1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (over) (onsth) (of a person, an animal, a car, etc) slide accidentally; lose one´s balance and fall or nearly fall in this way (指人、 动物、 汽车等)意外滑动, 失去平衡跌倒或险些跌倒     The climber´s foot slipped, and she fell. 那个攀登的女子脚下一滑就摔倒了.     She slipped (over) (on the ice) and broke her leg. 她(在冰上)滑了一跤把腿摔断了.     The van slipped (a few feet) down the embankment. 那客货车沿堤坝向下滑动了(几英尺). (b) [I, Ipr, Ip] (of an object) slide accidentally out of its proper position (指物体)意外滑离原位     The lorry turned and its load slipped. 卡车转弯时车上货物滑离了原位.     The razor slipped and cut my cheek. 剃刀一滑把我脸给割破了.     The straps keep slipping off (my shoulders). 吊带老是(从我肩上)滑下来. (c) [Ipr, Ip] move smoothly and easily in a particular direction 沿某方向顺畅而容易地移动     The ship slipped through the water. 船在水上平稳地航行.     I slipped along the bench next to her. 我沿长 一下子滑到她的旁边.     This wine slips down easily, ie is pleasant to drink. 这种葡萄酒很好喝. 2 (a) [Ipr, Ip] go somewhere quietly or quickly, eg in order not to be noticed, or without being noticed 悄悄或匆匆到某处(如以免受注意或无人注意到)     The thief slipped out (by the back door). 那个贼偷偷(从後门)溜出去了.     We slipped away to Paris for the weekend. 我们赶到巴黎去度周末.     The ship slipped into the harbour at night. 那艘船夜里悄悄开进了港口.     (fig 比喻) Errors have slipped into the book. 书中有些错误.     (fig 比喻) The years slipped by. 岁月在不知不觉中逝去.     (fig 比喻) We´ve slipped behind schedule. 我们无形中已落後於预定计画. (b) [Tn.pr, Tn.p, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) put sth somewhere, often quietly or secretly 将某物放在某处(常指悄悄地或偷偷地)     slip an envelope into one´s pocket 把信封悄悄塞进口袋     I slipped a few jokes into the speech. 我在讲话中巧妙地加了几句笑话.     She opened the letter-box and slipped a newspaper through. 她打开信箱把报纸塞了进去.     Slip the waiter a tip. 悄悄给服务员一点小费.     I tried to slip the note to him while the teacher wasn´t looking. 我想趁老师不注意时把条子偷偷递给他. 3 [Ipr, Ip] ~ from/out of/through sth; ~ out/through fall, get away, escape, etc by being difficult to hold, or by not being held firmly 滑落; 滑脱; 逃走     The fish slipped out of my hand. 鱼从我手中滑走了.     He caught the ball, then it slipped through his fingers. 那球他已接住却又从手中滑脱了.     The mouse slipped quickly from the cat´s claws. 老鼠很快从猫爪下逃走了.     (fig 比喻) I didn´t mean to say that     it just slipped out. 我本不想说, 只是无意中漏了出来. 4 [Ipr, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ into/out of sth; ~ sth over/round sth; ~ sth on/off put (a coat, one´s shoes, etc) on/off, esp quickly and easily 穿上[脱去](大衣、 鞋等)(尤指迅速且容易地)     slip into/out of a dress 一下子穿上[脱下]连衣裙     slip a shawl round one´s shoulders 很快披上披肩. 5 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from/off sth) detach or release sth 放开, 释放(某物)     slip a dog from its leash 松开皮带把狗放开     slip the rope off the hook 解开钩上的绳索     slip a stitch, ie (in knitting) move a stitch from one needle to another without knitting it 漏针(编织时). (b) [Tn] get free from (sth); escape from 逃离(某处); 逃脱; 挣脱     The ship slipped its moorings. 那船漂离了系船处.     The dog slipped its collar. 狗挣脱开了项圈.     (fig 比喻) That point slipped my attention. 那一点我疏忽了.     It had slipped my mind/memory that you were arriving today. 我把你今天抵达的事忘记了. 6 (idm 习语) be `slipping (infml 口) not be as good, alert, strong, etc as usual 不如平时好、 机警、 强壮等     I´ve forgotten your name again I must be slipping. 我又把你的名字给忘了--我肯定是不行了. let sth slip (a) miss or not take advantage of (an opportunity, etc) 错过或放过(机会等)     She let slip a chance to work abroad. 她错过了出国工作的机会. (b) accidentally reveal (a secret, etc); say sth casually 偶然泄露(秘密等); 无意中说出(某事)     She let slip that she had not paid her tax. 她偶然说出她还没交税呢.     I let it slip that I was expecting a baby. 我无意中透露了我已怀孕了. slip `anchor (of a ship) become detached from the ropes on the anchor (指船)脱离锚索, 弃锚. slip a `disc suffer from a slipped disc 椎间盘突出. slip through sb´s `fingers (esp of an opportunity) be missed by sb (尤指机会)被错过     We let the last chance of escape slip through our fingers. 我们错过了最後一次逃走的机会. 7 (phr v) slip up (on sth) (infml 口) make a careless mistake 疏忽; 出差错     I slipped up and gave you the wrong phone number. 我粗心大意给错了你电话号码.     I slipped up on the date. 我把日期弄错了.




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