

单词 sir
释义 sir n 1 (a) (used as a polite way of addressing a man 对男子的礼貌称呼): Yes, sir. 是的, 先生.     Are you ready to order, sir? 先生, 要点什麽?     Sir, it is my duty to inform you that... 先生, 我必须通知您.... (b) (used as a form of address by schoolchildren to a male teacher 中小学生对男教师的称呼). Cf 参看 miss2 2. 2 Sir (used at the beginning of a formal letter 用於正式信件的开头): Dear Sir/Sirs 敬启者. 3 Sir (title used before the first name of a knight or baronet 冠於爵士或准男爵的名字之前或名字与姓之前, 但不可只用於姓之前): Sir `Edward 爱德华爵士     Sir ,John `Jackson 约翰?杰克逊爵士. 4 (idm 习语) ,no `sir! (US infml 口) certainly not 绝不     I never smoke, no sir! 我从来不吸烟, 绝对不吸!




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