

单词 signal
释义 signal n 1 sign, gesture, sound, etc that conveys a message, command, etc (传递信息、 命令等的)信号, 手势, 声音, 暗号     a signal made with a red flag 用红旗打出的信号     hand signals, ie made by the driver of a car, etc to show which way it will turn, etc 手势信号(司机指示转弯等的)     She flashed the torch as a signal. 她用手电筒发信号.     He raised his arm as a signal for us to stop. 他抬起手臂示意我们停下.     A red light is usually a signal for/of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号. 2 any device or object placed to give people a warning, information, etc (给人警告、 信息等的)信号器或信号物     traffic signals, ie for cars, etc in the streets 交通信号     The railway signal (ie light) was on red, so the train stopped. 铁路红灯亮了, 所以火车停下了. 3 (a) any event or action that causes some general activity 触发某些普遍活动的事情或行动     The President´s arrival was the signal for an outburst of cheering. 总统来到爆发一阵欢呼声. (b) anything indicating that sth exists or is likely to happen 表明某事物存在或可能发生的任何事物     Her speech yesterday was a signal that her views have changed. 她昨天的讲话标志著她的观点已经转变.     Is this announcement the signal of better times ahead? 宣布的这件事是否预示往後日子越过越好了? 4 sequence of electronic impulses or radio waves transmitted or received (电子脉冲或无线电波的)信号     receive a signal from a satellite 接收到卫星信号     an area with a poor/good TV signal 电视信号弱[强]的地区     [attrib 作定语] signal strength 信号强度. signal, v (-ll-; US -l-) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tf, Tw, Dn.pr, Dn.f, Dpr.f, Dn.w, Dpr.w, Dn.t, Dpr.t no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ (to sb/sth) (for sth) make a signal or signals; send or express (sth) in this way; communicate with (sb) in this way 发信号; 用信号传达(某信息); 用信号与(某人)通讯     He seems to be signalling. 他似乎正在发送信号.     signal wildly with one´s arms 奋力挥臂打信号     signal a message (to sb) 用信号(向某人)传递消息     (fig 比喻) signal one´s discontent by refusing to vote 拒绝投票以示不满     (fig 比喻) an event signalling a change in public opinion 说明公众舆论变化的事件     signal that one is going to turn/which way one is going to turn 打信号示意要转弯[走哪条路]     signal (to) the commanding officer (that...) 向指挥官发信号(报告...)     signal to the regiment for the attack to begin 向团部发出开始进攻的信号     signal (to) sb which way to go 示意某人走哪条路     signal (to) the waiter to bring the menu 示意要服务员把菜单拿来. signal adj [attrib 作定语] remarkably good or bad; outstanding (好或坏)显著的; 出色的     a signal victory, success, failure, etc 极大的胜利、 成功、 失败等.




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