

单词 shoulder
释义 shoulder n 1 [C] (a) part of the body where an arm, a foreleg or a wing is attached; part of the human body from this point to the neck 胳膊、 前腿或翅膀与身体相连接的部位; 肩; 肩膀; 肩胛     look back over one´s shoulder 回头看     shrug one´s shoulders 耸肩     This coat is too narrow across the shoulders. 这件大衣肩部太窄. =>illus at human 见human插图. =>Usage at body. (b) part of a garment covering this (衣服的)肩部     a jacket with padded shoulders 有垫肩的甲克. (c) [C, U] piece of meat cut from the upper foreleg of an animal 前腿肉(从动物前腿上部切下的肉)     some shoulder of lamb, beef, etc 羊、 牛等的前腿肉. 2 shoulders [pl] (a) part of the back between the shoulders 背的上部; 肩胛     a person with broad shoulders 肩宽的人     a coalman carrying a sack on his shoulders 肩上扛著麻袋的送煤人     give a child a ride on one´s shoulders 让子孩骑在肩膀上. (b) (fig 比喻) a person, with regard to the responsibilities, blame, etc he must bear 有责任的或须承担责任的人     shift the blame onto sb else´s shoulders 把责任推给别人承担     The burden of guilt has been lifted from my shoulders. 我已卸下了负疚的重担.     The duty fell upon her shoulders. 这一责任落在了她的肩上. 3 [C] part of a thing resembling a human shoulder in shape or position, eg on a bottle, tool, mountain 形状或部位似肩的部分(如瓶、 工具、 山的). =>illus at mountain 见mountain插图. 4 (idm 习语) be/stand head and shoulders above sb/sth =>head1 a chip on one´s shoulder => chip1. give sb/get the cold shoulder =>cold1. have a good head on one´s shoulders =>head1. an old head on young shoulders =>old. put one´s shoulder to the `wheel work hard at a task 努力工作     Come on, everyone, shoulders to the wheel we´ve got a lot to do. 快, 各位, 加把劲--我们有很多事情要做. rub shoulders with sb =>rub1. ,shoulder to `shoulder (a) side by side 肩并肩     soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩站著的士兵. (b) working, fighting, etc together; united 并肩工作、 战斗等; 团结一致     shoulder to shoulder with one´s fellow-workers in the dispute 辩论中与同事齐心协力. straight from the shoulder => straight2. shoulder, v 1 [Tn] (a) put (sth) on one´s shoulder(s) 扛, 担, 挑, 掮(某物)     She shouldered her rucksack and set off along the road. 她背起帆布背包就上路了. (b) (fig 比喻) take (guilt, responsibility, etc) upon oneself 承担(罪责、 责任等)     shoulder the duties of chairman 负起主席的责任     She won´t shoulder all the blame for the mistake. 她不承担该过失的全部责任. 2 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] push (sb/sth) with one´s shoulder 用肩顶(某人[某物])     shoulder sb to one side 用肩膀把某人顶到一旁     He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal. 他用肩膀挡开防守队员後射门. 3 (phr v) shoulder one´s way in, through, past, etc move in the specified direction by pushing with one´s shoulder(s) 用肩膀沿某方向挤出一条路     shoulder one´s way into the room 用肩膀挤著进入房间     shoulder one´s way through (the crowd) 用肩膀挤著穿过人群.




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