

单词 sharp
释义 sharp adj (-er, -est) 1 having a fine edge or point; capable of cutting or piercing; not blunt 锋利的; 尖锐的     a sharp knife, pin, needle, etc 锋利的刀、 尖的大头针、 尖的针     The shears aren´t sharp enough to cut the grass. 这把大剪刀不够快, 剪不动草. 2 (a) (of curves, bends, slopes, etc) changing direction suddenly; abrupt (指曲线、 弯、 斜坡等)急转的, 陡峭的     a sharp bend in the road 路上的急转弯     a sharp turn to the left 向左的急转. (b) [usu attrib 通常作定语] sudden; abrupt 突然的; 急剧的     a sharp drop in prices 价格的暴跌     a sharp rise in crime 犯罪率的急剧上升. 3 well-defined; distinct; clear 轮廓鲜明的; 明显的; 清晰的     a sharp outline 清晰的轮廓     a sharp photographic image, ie one with clear contrasts between areas of light and shade 反差大的影像     in sharp focus 锐聚焦     The TV picture isn´t very sharp. 电视图像不太清晰.     There is a sharp contrast between the lives of the poorest and the richest members of society. 社会上贫富悬殊. 4 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (of sounds) shrill; piercing (指声音)尖锐的, 刺耳的     a sharp cry of distress 痛苦的尖叫声     the sharp raucous cawing of a crow 乌鸦的粗哑而刺耳的叫声. 5 (of tastes or smells) producing a smarting sensation; pungent (指味道或气味)强烈的, 辛辣的, 刺鼻的     the sharp taste of lemon juice 柠檬汁的强烈酸味     the sharp smell of the acid 酸的刺鼻气味     The cheese is a little too sharp for me, ie tastes too strong. 我觉得这乾酪味道太重了点. 6 producing a physical sensation of cutting or piercing; keen 刺骨的; 凛冽的; 剧烈的     a sharp frost/wind 严寒的霜[风]     a sharp pain in the back 背部的剧痛. 7 quickly aware of things; acute; alert 灵敏的; 敏锐的; 机警的     sharp eyes, ears, reflexes 灵敏的眼睛、 耳朵、 反应     a sharp person, mind, intelligence 机灵的人、 敏锐的头脑、 机智     a sharp sense of smell 敏锐的嗅觉     keep a sharp look-out 严密警戒     It was very sharp of you to notice that detail straight away. 你真机灵, 一下子就注意到这一细节. 8 ~ (with sb) (derog 贬) intended or intending to criticize, injure, etc; harsh; severe 蓄意批评、 中伤等的; 尖刻的; 严厉的     a sharp criticism, rebuke, remark, etc 尖锐的批评、 严厉的指责、 刻薄的言语     She was very sharp with me (ie rebuked me) when I forgot my book. 我忘带书了, 她把我训斥了一顿.     He has a sharp tongue, ie often speaks harshly or angrily. 他说话尖酸刻薄. 9 [usu attrib 通常作定语] quick; brisk; vigorous 迅速的; 敏捷的; 活跃的     a sharp struggle, contest, etc 激烈的斗争、 竞赛等     sharp competition for the job 为获得这一工作而产生的剧烈竞争     That was sharp work, ie It was done quickly or energetically. 这件工作干得很利索. 10 (often derog 常作贬义) quick to take advantage of sb/sth; unscrupulous 过分精明的; 狡猾的; 不择手段的     a sharp lawyer, accountant, etc 精明的律师、 会计等     She was too sharp for me, ie outwitted me. 她太精明(我斗不过她). 11 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (infml 口) (too) smart or stylish (过分)时髦的, 漂亮的     a gambler in a sharp suit 衣著入时的赌徒     be a very sharp dresser 是个衣著漂亮的人. 12 (music 音) (a) (of a sound, an instrument, etc) above the normal or correct pitch (指声音、 乐器的音调等)偏高的     That note sounded sharp. 那个音调听起来偏高. (b) (usu following ns 通常用於名词之後) (of notes) raised half a tone in pitch (指音符)升半音的     in the key of C sharp minor 用升C小调. =>illus at music 见music插图. Cf 参看 flat2 10. 13 (idm 习语) look `sharp be brisk; hurry 赶紧; 赶快     You´d better look sharp or you´ll be late. 你得赶快, 不然就晚了. (as) sharp as a needle very intelligent and quick-witted 非常聪敏的. sharp `practice business dealings that are not entirely honest 不够诚实的交易手段. sharp, n (symb 符号为 #) (music 音) (symbol used to indicate a) sharp note 升半音; 升半音号     a difficult piano piece full of sharps and flats 有很多升半音、 降半音难度很大的钢琴曲. Cf 参看 flat4 4, natural6. sharp, adv 1 (infml 口) punctually 准时地     Please be here at seven (o´clock) sharp. 请七点整到这里. 2 (infml 口) suddenly; abruptly 突然地; 急剧地: stopped sharp 突然停住     turn sharp left 向左急转. 3 (music 音) above the correct pitch 偏高: sing sharp 唱得偏高.




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