

单词 seriously
释义 seriously adv 1 in a serious way 严肃地; 庄重地; 启发性地; 严重地; 认真地     speak seriously to her about it 跟她认真地谈谈这件事     seriously ill, injured, etc 病得、 伤得...很重. 2 (infml 口) (used at the beginning of a sentence when turning to a serious matter 用以将话题转到正经事上, 置於句首)     Seriously though, you could really hurt yourself doing that. 说正经的, 你那样做可真要自讨苦吃了. =>Usage at hopeful 用法见hopeful. 3 (idm 习语) take sb/sth seriously regard sb/sth as important and worth treating with respect 认真对待某人[某事物]     You can´t take her promises seriously     she never keeps her word. 她答应的事不必当真, 她从来说话不算数.     I take this threat very seriously. 我认为这种威胁非同小可.




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