

单词 selection
释义 selection n 1 [U] selecting or being selected 挑选; 选择; ?quot;?BR>    the selection of a football team ?quot;巫闱蚨釉?BR>    I´m delighted about my selection as leader. 选中了我作领导, 十分欣喜.     [attrib 作定语] the selection process 选择的过程. 2 [C] (a) number of selected items or people 挑选出的事项或人     selections from 18th century English poetry 18世纪英国诗歌精选     a selection of milk and plain chocolates 精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力. (b) number of items from which some can be selected 可供挑选的事项     a shop with a huge selection of paperbacks 有大量平装书可供选购的书店.




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