

单词 scurry
释义 scurry v (pt, pp scurried) [I, Ipr, Ip] run with short quick steps 小步疾跑     mice scurrying across the floor 在地面很快跑过的老鼠     scurry along the road 在路上匆匆小跑     They scurried in out of the cold. 他们冻得很快跑进来了.     Crowds scurried past. 很多人匆匆地跑过去了.     The rain sent everyone scurrying for shelter. 这阵雨把大家浇得纷纷找地方躲避. scurry, n 1 (a) [sing] act or sound of scurrying 小步疾跑; 小跑的脚步声     a/the scurry of feet in the room above 楼上房间里小跑的脚步声. (b) [U] anxious or excited movement; bustle 不安的或兴奋的移动; 热闹的活动     the scurry and scramble of town life 城市生活的匆忙. 2 [C] windy shower of rain, snow, etc or cloud of dust; flurry 风雨、 风雪等交加; 飞扬的灰尘. scurry, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     Scamper, scurry and scuttle indicate people or animals running with short, quick steps. *scamper、 scurry、 scuttle 三词均指人或动物小步奔跑. Scamper (around, away, off, etc) is only used of small animals (puppies, mice, etc) and children. *scamper(around、 away、 off 等)仅用於小动物(小狗、 老鼠等)和儿童. It suggests them playing happily or running away when startled 这个词指玩耍嬉戏或受惊逃跑     The children were scampering around the garden. 孩子们在花园里嬉戏奔跑.     The rabbits scampered away as we approached. 我们一走近就把兔子吓跑了. Scuttle/scurry (about, away, off, etc) indicate running in order to escape from danger, bad weather, etc *scuttle/scurry(about、 away、 off 等)指为躲避危险、 坏天气等而奔跑     The beetle scuttled away when I lifted the stone. 我把石头搬起来, 那甲虫就逃跑了.     The spectators scurried for shelter as soon as it began to rain. 一下起雨来, 观众就纷纷找地方躲避. Scurry can indicate great or hurried activity *scurry 可指重大的或仓促的活动     We were scurrying about until the last minute before the party. 聚会开始前我们一直不停地忙忙碌碌.




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