

单词 bird
释义 bird n 1 feathered animal with two wings and two legs, usu able to fly 鸟; 禽. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, pages iv, v. 2 (sl 俚esp Brit) young woman 妞; 姑娘     Terry´s got a new bird, ie girl-friend. 特里有了个新女朋友. 3 (infml 口) person 人; 家伙: a queer bird 怪人     a wise old bird 聪明老练的人     The professional footballer who also plays cricket is a rare bird nowadays, ie There are very few of them. 职业足球员也打板球的现在很少见了. 4 (idm 习语) the bird has `flown (catchphrase 警语) the wanted person has escaped 要捉的人逃走了. a bird in the `hand is worth two in the `bush (saying 谚) it is better to be content with what one has than to risk losing everything by being too greedy 一鸟在手, 胜於二鸟在林(最好满足於现有的, 以免因贪心而失去一切). the birds and the `bees (euph 婉) basic facts about sex 基本的性知识     tell a child about the birds and the bees 给孩子讲解基本的性知识. a ,bird´s ,eye `view (of sth) (a) general view from a high position looking down 俯视; 鸟瞰     From the plane we had a bird´s eye view of London. 我们从飞机上鸟瞰伦敦. (b) general summary (of a subject) (某科目的)概观. birds of a `feather (flock to`gether) (saying 谚) people of the same sort (are found together) 鸟以群分(同类的人在一起). an early bird => early. the early bird catches the worm => early. (strictly) for the birds (infml derog 口, 贬) not important; worthless 不重要的; 无价值的. give sb/get the `bird (sl 俚) shout at sb/be shouted at rudely and disapprovingly 用喊声轰某人     The comedian got the bird, ie was jeered at by the audience. 那喜剧演员让人喝了倒采. a home bird => home1. kill two birds with one stone => kill. like a bird (infml 口) without difficulty; smoothly 毫无困难地; 一帆风顺地     My new car goes like a bird. 我的新汽车行驶自如. a little bird told me => little1.




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