

单词 say
释义 say n 1 [sing, U] ~ (in sth) power to decide 决定权     have no, not much, some, any, etc say (in a matter) (对某事)没有、 不大有、 有些、 有...决定权     I want a say in the management of the business. 我想要在业务管理方面有决定权. 2 (idm 习语) have one´s `say express one´s view 表达意见     Don´t interrupt her: let her have her say. 别打断她的话, 让她把意见说出来. say v (3rd pers sing pres t says , pt, pp said ) 1 ( a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tf, Dn.pr, Dpr.f, Dpr.w] ~ sth (to sb) tell sth (to sb), usu in words 说;讲     Did you say `Please´? 你说`请'这个字了吗?     `Hello!´ I said. `喂!'我说.     She said nothing to me about it. 这件事她完全没对我说过.     He said (that) his friend´s name was Sam. 他说他朋友的名字叫山姆.     Everyone said how awful the weather was. 大家都说天气糟透了.     He finds it hard to say what he feels. 他觉得很难说出自己的感受.     She said to meet her here. 她说在这里与她见面.     I said to myself (ie thought), `That can´t be right!´ 我心说, `这不对呀!'     They say/It´s said (ie People claim) that he´s a genius. 据说他很有才华.     So you say, ie I think you may be wrong. 你是这麽说的(我认为你可能错了).     Who said I can´t cook? ie Of course I can! 谁说我不会做饭?     Be quiet, I´ve got something to say. 请安静, 我有话要说.     Having said that (ie Despite what I have just said), I agree with your other point. 我虽然这麽说, 我还是同意你的另一说法.     (euph 婉) If you damage the car, your father will have plenty to say about it, ie he will be angry. 你要是把汽车弄坏了, 你父亲非说你不可(他一定得生气). (b) [Tn] pronounce (eg words one has learned) 念, 背诵(如学过的词语)     say a short prayer 背诵简短的祈祷文     Try to say that line with more conviction. 念这一行时, 要尽量带出坚定的语气. (c) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) make (thoughts, feelings, etc) clear to sb by using words, or else by gestures, behaviour, etc (用言语、 手势、 行为等)表达(思想、 情感等)     This poem doesn´t say much to me. 我体会不出这首诗好在什麽地方.     Just what is the artist trying to say in her work? 那艺术家在她的作品中究竟想表达什麽?     Her angry glance said everything. 她愤怒的目光足以说明了一切. (d) [no passive 不用於被动语态     Tn, Tf, Tw,Tt] (of a book, sign, etc) give (information or instructions)(指书、 符号等)表示(信息或指示)     a notice saying `Keep Out´ 写有`禁止入内'的告示     The clock says three o´clock. 这个钟三点了.     The law says (that) this is quite legitimate. 从法律上说, 这是合法的.     The book doesn´t say where he was born. 书上没说他是在哪里出生的.     The guidebook says to turn left. 旅游指南上说向左转. =>Usage 见所附用法. 2 (a) [Tn, Tf, Tw] give (an opinion, answer, etc) 表明(看法、 意见等)     I´ll say this (for them), (ie I´ll admit that) they´re efficient. 我得(为他们)说句话, 他们很有能力.     I can´t say I blame her for resigning, ie I think she was justified. 我不能说她辞职是错的(我认为她有她的道理).     I would say he´s right. 我认为他对.     My wife thinks I´m too fat what do you say? 我妻子认为我太胖--你说呢?     I say (ie suggest) we stay here. 我看我们就待在这里吧.     I wouldn´t say they were rich, ie In my opinion they aren´t rich. 我看他们算不上阔气.     Say all you want about her (ie Despite any criticism you can make), she´s still a fine singer. 不管你怎麽说, 她唱得还算不错.     It´s hard to say who it was. 很难说是谁.     There is no saying (ie Nobody knows) when the war will end. 谁也说不上战争什麽时候能结束.     `When will the meal be ready?´ `I couldn´t say.´ `饭什麽时候做好?'`我说不准.' (b) [no passive 不用於被动语态     Tn, Tf] suppose (sth) as an example or a possibility 假定; 比如说     You could learn to play chess in, (let´s) say, three months. 学下国际象棋要用, 比如说, 三个月吧.     Let´s take any writer, say(ie for example) Dickens... 咱们可以随便拿个作家为例, 比方说狄更斯...     Say you have an accident     who would look after you? 假如你出了事故, 谁来照顾你呢? 3 (idm 习语) before you can/could say Jack Robinson very quickly or suddenly 立刻; 马上; 一下子. easier said than done => easy2. ,go without `saying be very obvious or natural 不用说; 显而易见     It goes without saying that I´ll help you. 用不著说, 我一定帮助你. have a good word to say for sb/sth => word. have something, nothing, etc to `say for oneself be ready, unwilling, etc to talk, eg to give one´s views or justify oneself 有话要说、 没话可说等(如表达自己的观点或作自我辩解)     She hasn´t got much to say for herself, ie doesn´t take part in conversation. 她没什麽话说.     You´ve got too much to say for yourself, ie You think you are more interesting than you really are. 你有些自我标榜.     You´ve lost your games kit again what have you got to say for yourself? 你又把运动用具给丢了--看你还有什麽话好说? I dare say => dare1. `I´ll say! (infml 口) yes indeed 当然; 的确     `Does he come often?´ `I´ll say! Nearly every day.´ `他常来吗?'`可不! 差不多每天都来.' I `must say (used when making a comment 用於作评论时)     Well that´s daft, I must say! 依我看, 那可太蠢了! I say (dated 旧) (used to expresssurprise, shock, etc or (unstressed) to start a conversation用以表示惊讶、 震惊等; 若不重读时, 用以引起话题)     ,I`say! What a huge cake! 好家伙! 这麽大的蛋糕!     I say, can you lend me five pounds? 我说, 能借我五英镑吗? it says a `lot, very `little, etc for sb/sth (used to present a revealing fact about sb/sth 用以揭示关於某人[某事物]的事实)     It says a lot for her that she never lost her temper, ie It shows how patient she is. 她从没发过脾气, 这足以说明她多有耐性.     It doesn´t say much for our efficiency that (ie We are not efficient because) the order arrived a week late. 定单晚了一个星期才到, 我们的工作效率未免说不过去了. I ,wouldn´t say `no (to sth) (infml 口) used to show one wants sth, or to accept sth when it is offered 表示想要或接受某事物     `Fancy some coffee?´ `I wouldn´t say no.´ `想来点咖啡吗?'`好哇.'     I wouldn´t say no to a pizza. 我想来块意大利饼. least said soonest mended (saying 谚) a particular situation will be most quickly remedied if nothing more is said about it 说得越少, 境况越好. the less/least said the better the best thing to do is to say as little as possible (about sth) 少说为妙. let us say for example 比如说; 例如. needless to say =>needless (need3). ,never say `die (saying 谚) don´t give up hope 不可气馁; 不要泄气     Never say die: we might still get there on time. 别泄气, 我们仍有可能按时赶到那里. no sooner said than done => soon . not be saying much (used to point out that sth is not really remarkable 用以指出某事物没什麽了不起)     She´s taller than me, but as I´m only five foot, that´s not saying much. 她比我高, 可我只有五英尺, 不能说明她很高. not say boo to a goose be very or too timid or gentle 非常胆小或温顺     He´s such a nervous chap he wouldn´t/couldn´t say boo to a goose. 他很怯懦, 胆小如鼠. not say a dicky-bird (sl 俚) say nothing 不吭气; 不作声. not to say (used to suggest that a stronger way of describing sth is justified 用以表示退一步著想的让步关系)     a difficult, not to say impossible, task 这一任务即使不说办不到, 也得说是十分艰巨的. sad to say => sad. say/ be one´s last word => last1. say no (to sth) refuse (an offer, a suggestion, etc) 谢绝(好意等); 拒绝(建议等)     If you don´t invest in these shares, you´re saying no to a fortune. 要是不买这种股票, 就是放著发财的机会都不要. ,say no `more (a) (used to interrupt sb when one wishes to react to what he is saying 用以打断某人的话以便插入自己的反应意见)     Say no more! How much do you wantto borrow? 别再说了! 你想借多少钱吧? (b) I understand what you mean 我明白你的意思     `He came home with lipstick on his face.´ `Say no more!´ `他回到家时脸上还带著口红印呢.'`我明白了!' say one´s piece say what one wants to say 说自己要说的话. Cf 参看 have one´s say (say n). says `you (sl 俚) I do not believe what you say 我不相信你的话     `I´ll beat him.´ `Says you, you haven´t got a chance!´ `我要把他打败.'`我不信, 你决办不到!' say `when (used to ask sb to show when one should stop doing sth, esp when one has poured enough to drink 在为对方做某事的过程中, 用以请求对方於满意时做出表示, 尤指已斟入不少饮料时). say the `word give an order; make a request 下命令; 提要求     Just say the word, and I´ll ask him to leave. 只要你开口, 我就叫他走. strange to say => strange . suffice it to say => suffice . to ,say the `least without any exaggeration 至少可以这样说; 不夸张地说     I was surprised at what he said, to say the least. 毫不夸张地说, 我对他的话感到吃惊. to say nothing of sth without even mentioning sth 更不用说; 何况     He had to go to prison for a month, to say nothing of the fine. 他得入狱一个月, 更不用说罚款了. that is to say in other words (也)就是说; 换言之; 即     three days from now, that´s to say Friday 三天之後, 也就是说星期五. what do/would you say (to sth/doing sth)? would you like sth/to do sth? (对某事物[做某事物])你觉得怎样?     We´ll go on holiday together. What do you say? 我们一起去度假吧. 你觉得怎麽样?     What do you say to going to the theatre tonight? 今晚去看戏, 你说好吗?     What would you say to a chocolate? 吃块巧克力吧? what/whatever sb says goes (infml 口) the specified person has total authority and must be obeyed 某人说了算; 照某人说的办     My wife wants the kitchen painted white, and what she says goes. 我妻子要把厨房刷成白色的, 这事就得照她的意思办. you can say `that again I agree with you 我同意你的意见     `She´s a violent woman.´ `You can say that again. She´s hit me more than once.´ `她是个悍妇.'`你说得太对了. 她打我可不止一次了.' you don´t `say! (infml 口) (used to express surprise 用以表达惊奇)     `We´re going to get married.´ `You don´t say!´ `我们要结婚了.'`真的吗?' you `said it! (infml 口) that is very true 真是这样; 千真万确     `The food was awful!´ `You said it!´ `这食物很糟糕!'`一点不假!'     `I looked a fool.´ `You said it! (ie I am glad you realized it.)´ `我活像个傻瓜.'`算你说著了!'; say, interj (US infml 口) (used to express mild surprise or to introduce a remark 用以表示轻度惊讶或引起话题)     Say! How about a Chinese meal tonight? 喂! 今晚吃顿中餐好不好? say, NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 Say and tell are transitive verbs.     say 和 tell 均为及物动词. The direct object of say is usually the words spoken.     say 的直接宾语通常是所说的话. The direct object of tell is usually the information given and the indirect object is the person that it is given to *tell的直接宾语通常是提供的信息, 其间接宾语是接受信息的人     He sat in a corner and said nothing all evening, ie spoke no words. 他坐在角落里, 整晚一句话也没说.     She told me nothing about herself, ie she gave me no information. 她没向我透露她个人的情况. Say is commonly used with direct speech *say多用以表达出直接引语     He said, `Goodnight,´ and went to bed. 他说了声`晚安', 就去睡觉了. Say and tell often report speech. *say和tell常用以表达间接引语. Tell must normally be followed by a personal direct object; say is used without a personal object *tell後面一般须有一表示人的直接宾语, 而say後则无表示人的宾语     He hasn´t told me/said that he´s leaving. 他还没告诉我[说]他要走. Tell sb + infinitive is used for commands *tell sb+不定式, 这一结构用以表达命令或指示     She told him to hurry up. 她叫他快点. 2 Speak and talk are used intransitively and transitively. *speak和talk既可用作不及物动词也可用作及物动词. They are often used with similar meaning, speak being more formal 这两个词的意思相近, 只是speak较为文些     Can I talk to Susan, please? 请问, 我和苏珊说句话行吗?     I´d like to speak to Mrs Jones, please. 劳驾, 我想和琼斯夫人说句话. Talk suggests that two or more people are having a conversation with each other, while speak is often used of one person addressing a group *talk指两人或两人以上相互交谈, 而speak常用以指一人讲大家听     We talked for hours about the meaning of life. 我们谈人生的意义谈了几个小时.     He spoke to the class about the dangers of smoking. 他给班上学生讲了吸烟的危害性.




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