

单词 sanctuary
释义 sanctuary n 1 [C] sacred place, eg a church, temple or mosque 圣所, 圣地(如教堂、 庙宇或回教寺院). 2 [C] (a) chancel of a church 圣坛. (b) (esp US) room where general religious services are held 圣堂. 3 (a) [C] sacred place where sb is protected from people wishing to arrest or attack him (为受逮捕、 攻击威胁的人提供的)庇护所     The fleeing rebels found a sanctuary in the nearby church. 叛乱後逃跑的人躲入附近教堂寻求庇护. (b) [U] (the right to offer) such protection 庇护; (为他人提供的)庇护权     claim/seek/take/be offered sanctuary 要求[寻求/接受/受到]庇护. 4 [C] any place where refuge is provided 避难所     Our country is a sanctuary for political refugees from all over the world. 我国是全世界政治难民的避难所. 5 [C] area where birds and wild animals are protected from hunters, etc and are encouraged to breed 禁猎区; 鸟兽保护区     a `bird sanctuary 鸟类禁猎区.




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