

单词 sad
释义 sad adj (-dder, -ddest) 1 showing or causing sorrow; unhappy 悲哀的; 忧愁的; 难过的     a sad look, event, story 忧愁的表情、 伤心的事件、 悲惨的故事     John is sad because his dog has died. 约翰因为自己的狗死了非常伤心.     I´m sad you´re leaving. 你要走了, 我很难过.     It was a sad day for us all when the school closed down. 学校关闭那天, 我们都很悲痛.     Why is she looking so sad? 她为什麽愁容满面? 2 [attrib 作定语] worthy of blame or criticism; bad 该受责备或批评的; 坏的     a sad state of affairs 很糟糕的情况     a sad case of cruelty 非常残忍的事. 3 making one feel pity or regret 令人遗憾或惋惜的     This once beautiful ship is in a sad condition now. 那麽漂亮的船现在成了这种样子了. 4 (idm 习语) ,sadder but `wiser having learnt sth important from a disappointing mistake or failure 从错误和失败吸取重要教训     The divorce left him a sadder but a wiser man. 他离婚是吃一堑长一智. sad to say (used esp at the beginning of a sentence 尤用於句首) unfortunately 不幸的是     Sad to say, she hasn´t given us permission to do it. 不幸的是, 她没准许我们做这件事.




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