

单词 bill
释义 bill n 1 (esp Brit) (US check) written statement of money owed for goods or services supplied 帐单     telephone, gas, heating bills 电话、煤气、暖气帐单     a bill for 5 一张5英镑的帐单     Have you paid the bill? 你付帐了吗? 2 written or printed advertisement; notice; poster, placard 广告; 招贴; 海报; 告示     Stick no bills! ie Sticking posters, etc here is forbidden. 禁止招贴! 3 programme of entertainment (at a cinema, theatre, etc) (电影院、剧场等的)节目单     a horror double bill (ie programme consisting of two horror films) on TV 一张介绍两部恐怖片子的电视节目单. 4 draft of a proposed law, to be discussed by a parliament (提交议会讨论的)法案     propose, pass, throw out, amend a bill 提出[通过/否决/修订]一项议案     The Industrial Relations Bill. 劳资关系法案. 5 (US) = note1: a ten-dollar bill 一张十元钞票. 6 (idm 习语) a clean bill of health => clean1. fill/fit the `bill be adequate or suitable (for a specific purpose) 适合於(某一目的)     If you´re very hungry a double helping of spaghetti should fit the bill! 要是很饿的话, 吃两份意大利细面条就行了! foot the bill => foot2. head/top the `bill be the most important item or person on a list or a programme of entertainments 清单或节目单上最主要的节目或角色     She topped the bill at the Palace Theatre. 她在皇宫剧院演主角. bill, v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (for sth) send sb a bill (for sth) 送交某人帐单(要求为某事物付帐)     I can´t pay for the books now. Will you bill me (for them) later? 这些书我现在不能付款, 事後给我寄帐单来好吗? 2 [Tnt esp passive 尤用於被动语态] announce or advertise; put in a programme 宣布; 贴广告; 列入节目单     He is billed to (ie It is announced that he will) appear as Othello. 已把他列入节目单内, 将扮演奥赛罗. bill n 1 bird´s beak (鸟的)嘴, 喙. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page v. 2 (esp in geographical names 尤用於地理名称) narrow promontory 岬; 岬角     Portland Bill 波特兰海岬. bill, v 1 [I] (of doves) stroke each other with their beaks (指鸽子)接嘴. 2 (idm 习语) bill and `coo (infml 口) (of lovers) exchange kisses and loving whispers (指情人间)接吻及谈情.




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