

单词 rope
释义 rope n 1 [C, U] (length of) thick cord or wire made by twisting finer cords or wires together (由多股拧成的)粗绳或金属缆     We tied his feet together with (a) rope. 我们用绳子把他的双脚捆在一起.     The kids tied a (piece of) rope to the tree and used it as a swing.孩子们把(一根)绳子系在树上当作秋千玩. 2 [C] number of similar things twisted or strung together 缠结或串连成绳状的东西     a rope of onions, pearls, etc 一串 洋葱、 珍珠等. 3 the rope [sing] (infml or rhet 口或修辞) death by hanging 绞刑     bring back the rope, ie the death penalty 恢复死刑. 4 (idm 习语) give sb enough `rope (and he´ll hang himself) (saying 谚) allow sb enough freedom of action (and he will bring about his own downfall) 任由某人为所欲为(终将自作自受). give sb plenty of/some `rope allow sb much/some freedom of action 给某人以充分的[一定程度的]行动自由. money for jam/old rope => money. show sb/know/learn the `ropes explain to sb/know/learn the procedures or rules for doing sth 向某人解释[弄清楚/学习]做某事的程序或规则     She´s just started it´ll take her a week or two to learn the ropes. 她是新手--要用一两个星期的时间熟悉情况. rope, v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] fasten or bind (sb/sth) with (a) rope 用绳系住或捆绑(某人[某物])     rope (ie lasso and tie up) cattle 用套索套牛     They roped him to a tree. 他们把他绑在树上.     climbers roped together 用绳联结在一起的登山者. 2 (phr v) rope sb in (to do sth) (infml 口) (esp passive 尤用於被动语态) persuade sb (to take part in an activity) 说服某人(参与一项活动)     All her friends have been roped in to help organize the event. 她所有的朋友都已动员来协助组织这一活动. rope sth off enclose sth with rope(s) 用绳围起某物     rope off the scene of the accident 把事故现场用绳子拦起来.




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