

单词 big
释义 big adj (-gger, -ggest) 1 large in size, extent or intensity (在体积、面积、范围、程度或强度方面)大的     a big garden, man, majority, defeat, explosion, argument 大花园[高大的人/大多数/大败/大爆炸/大辩论]     the big toe, ie the largest 大脚趾     a big `g´, ie a capital G 大写的g(大写字母G)     (infml 口) big money, ie a lot of money 大笔的钱     The bigger (ie worse) the crime, the longer the gaol sentence. 犯的罪越大, 刑期越长.     He´s the biggest liar (ie He tells more lies than anyone else) I know. 他是我所知道的最大的骗子.     She´s a big eater/spender, ie She eats/spends a lot. 她是个饭量大[花钱多]的人. Cf 参看 small. 2 (more) grown up 成长(得更)大的     my big sister, ie my elder sister 我的姐姐     He´s big enough to go out without his parents. 他已长大, 不用父母陪著出门了. 3 [attrib 作定语] important 重大的; 重要的     the big match 重大的比赛     a big decision 重大的决定     the biggest moment of my life 我一生中最重要的时刻. 4 (infml 口) ambitious; extravagant 有雄心的; 过分的     have big ideas/plans 有远大的理想[有庞大的计划]. 5 (infml 口 esp US) popular with the public 大受欢迎的     Video games are big this year. 今年的电视游戏大受欢迎. =>Usage 见所附用法. 6 ~ on sth (infml 口) (esp US) keen on sth; enthusiastic about sth 精於某事物; 热衷於某事物     The firm is big on extravagant promotion drives. 这家公司正大搞推销运动. 7 (idm 习语) be/get too big for one´s boots (infml 口) be/become very self-important or conceited 自大; 自负. a ,big `cheese (sl derog 俚, 贬) very important and powerful person 要人; 大亨. big deal! (infml ironic 口, 反语) I am not impressed 没什麽了不起     We´re getting a wage increase of 40 a year, before tax. Big deal! 我们工资一年要增加w40英镑, 未扣除所得税. 有什麽了不起! a big fish (in a little pond) an important and influential person (in a small community or restricted situation) (小地方或小范围内的)大人物. a big noise/shot (infml 口) important person 要人. the big stick the threat of using force, esp of great military strength 大棒政策(以实力, 尤指以强大的武力相威胁). big, adv (sl 俚) 1 in a big manner; impressively; grandly 宏大地; 予人深刻印象地; 盛大地     Let´s think big, ie plan ambitiously. 我们要立大志展宏图.     He likes to talk big, ie is very boastful. 他爱说大话. 2 successfully 成功地: a band which comes/goes over big with pop fans 受流行音乐歌迷欢迎而大为成功的乐队. big, NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 Big and large are used when talking about physical size, extent, capacity or number. *big和large都用於指物质的体积、面积、范围、程度、能量或数量. Big is more informal. *big更口语化. Large is not normally used to describe people *large一般不用於指人     They live in a big/large house in the country. 他们住在乡下的一所大房子里.     Which is the biggest/largest desert in the world? 世界上最大的沙漠是哪一个?     Her husband is a very big man. 她丈夫身材很高大.     There was a big/large crowd at the football match. 有一大群人看足球比赛. 2 Great is mostly used when talking (usually approvingly) about importance, quality, ability or extent. *great大多用於指重要性、特性、能力或程度(通常含褒义). Great can be used with uncountable nouns *great可与不可数名词连用     He´s a great painter, footballer, man, etc. 他是个伟大的画家、足球健将、人物等.     Peter the Great was a Russian ruler. 彼得大帝曾是俄国的统治者.     She lived to a great age. 她活到很大年纪.     with great enthusiasm, joy, pleasure, etc 满腔热情、满怀喜悦、满心欢喜. 3 Large and great are very similar in meaning when used with amount, quantity and number *large和great用於指数额、数量或数目时词义非常接近     They spent a large/great amount of money on their holidays. 他们度假花了一大笔钱. Note also the phrase 请注意这一词组     to a large/great extent 在很大程度上.




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