

单词 right
释义 right adj 1 [usu pred 通常作表语] (of conduct, actions, etc) morally good; required by law or duty (指行为、 行动等)正当, 适当, 合法, 符合要求     Is it ever right to kill? 杀害生命是正当的吗?     You were quite right to refuse/in deciding to refuse/in your decision to refuse. 你予以拒绝[决定予以拒绝/予以拒绝的决定]是恰当的.     It seems only right to warn you that... 似乎应该警告你.... Cf 参看 wrong 1. 2 true or correct 对的; 正确的; 准确的     Actually, that´s not quite right. 实际上, 那不完全对.     Did you get the answer right? 你找到正确的答案了吗?     Have you got the right money (ie exact fare) for the bus? 你有买公共汽车票(那个数)的零钱吗?     What´s the right time? 现在准确的时间是几点? 3 best in view of the circumstances; most suitable 最切合实际的; 最适宜的; 最恰当的     Are we on the right road? 我们走的路对吗?     Is this the right way to the zoo? 去动物园是走这条路吗?     He´s the right man for the job. 他是最适合做这件工作的人.     That coat´s just right for you. 那件大衣你穿正合适.     the right side of a fabric, ie the side meant to be seen or used 织物的正面. 4 (also all right) in a good or normal condition 情况良好或正常     `Do you feel all right?´ `Yes, I feel quite all right/No, I don´t feel (quite) right.´ `你感觉好吗?'`很好[不(太)好].' 5 [attrib 作定语] (Brit infml 口) (esp inderogatory phrases 尤用於含贬义的词组) real; complete真实的; 完全的     you made a right mess of that! 你把那事完全弄糟了!     She´s a right old witch! 她是个不折不扣的老妖婆! 6 (idm 习语) all `right (used to indicate agreement, approval, etc 用以表示同意、 赞成等)     `Do you want to join us for dinner?´ `All right!´ `你愿意和我们一起吃晚饭吗?'`好哇!' all ,right on the `night (saying 谚) (of a performance, etc) satisfactory when the time comes for it to be done, etc (指表演等)到时候准能使人满意     The hall isn´t quite ready for the ceremony yet, but it will be all right on the night. 举行典礼的大厅尚未完全布置好, 但到时候定能准备就绪. a bit of all right => bit1. do the right/wrong thing do sth that is/is not honourable, socially acceptable, etc in the circumstances 做得对[不对]、 得当[不得当]等. get sth `right/`straight understand sth clearly, without error 清楚无误地了解某事物     Let´s get this right once and for all. 咱们把这个问题彻底弄清楚吧.     Let´s get one thing straight I give the orders round here, OK?咱们得先弄清楚一件事--在这儿得听我的, 懂吗? have one´s heart in the right place => heart. hit/strike the right/wrong note => hit1. (not) in one´s right `mind (not) mentally normal; (not) sane 精神(不)正常的; 神志(不)清醒的. might is right => might2.not (quite) right in the/one´s `head (infml 口) foolish; eccentric; (slightly) mad 愚蠢的; 古怪的; (有些)疯癫的. on the right/wrong side of forty, etc => side1. on the right/wrong side of sb/sth => side1. on the right/wrong track => track n. put/set sb/sth right restore sb/sth to order; correct sb/sth 使某人[某事物]恢复正常; 改正、 纠正某人[某事物]的错误     put a `watch right, ie to the correct time 把手表拨准     I want to set/put you `right on one or two matters. 我想给你 纠正一两个错误. right (you are)! (Brit also right-oh!) (infml 口) (used to indicate agreement to an order or with a suggestion or (esp US) with a request 用以表示同意一项命令、 建议或请求, 尤用於美式英语表示同意请求). (as) right as `rain/as a `trivet (infml 口) in excellent health or working order 十分健康或正常. start off on the right/wrong foot => start2. touch the right chord => touch1. right adv 1 exactly (in position, time, etc); directly (位置、 时间等)准确地; 直接地     sitting right beside you 就坐在你的旁边     The wind was right in our faces. 风迎面吹来. 2 all the way; completely 从头到尾; 彻底地; 完全地     Go right to the end of the road. 一直走到这条路的尽头.     I fell right to the bottom of the stairs. 我从楼梯上一直摔到楼梯下面.     a fence right around the garden 严严实实环绕著花园的围栏     The pear was rotten right through. 这个梨烂透了.     turn right round and go in the opposite direction 向後转走     The handle came right off in my hand. 这个把手脱落时还在我手中攥著. 3 correctly; satisfactorily; properly 正确地; 令人满意地; 恰当地     Have I guessed right or wrong? 我猜得对不对?     Nothing seems to be going right for me at the moment, ie I´m having a lot of problems. 我现在好像事事不顺心. 4 immediately 立即; 马上: I must answer that phone, but I´ll be right back. 我得去接电话, 马上就回来. 5 (idm 习语) `right/`straight away/off without hesitation or delay 毫不犹豫地; 毫不耽搁地     I want it typed right away, please. 请立刻把它打印出来.     I told her right/straight off what I thought of her. 我把我对她的看法直截了当地告诉了她. right `now immediately; at this moment 立即; 此刻. see sb `right ensure that sb has all he needs or wants 保证某人的一切需要或愿望得到满足     You needn´t worry about running out of money I´ll always see you right. 你不必担心钱花光了怎麽办--我随时关照你的需要. serve sb right => serve. ,too `right! (infml esp Austral 口, 尤用於澳大利亚) (used to indicate enthusiastic agreement 用以表示欣然同意). right n 1 [U] what is good, just, honourable, etc 正确; 正当; 公正; 正义     know the difference between right and wrong 明辨是非     You did right to tell me the truth. 你把真相告诉了我, 这事做得对. 2 (a) [U] ~ to sth/to do sth proper claim to sth, or authority to do sth 对某事物的正当要求; 做某事的权利     What right have you to do that? 你有什麽权利做那事?     What gives you the right to do that? 谁给你的权利做那事?     have no right/not have any right to do sth 无权[没有任何权利]做某事. (b) [C] ~ (to sth) thing one may do or have by law 依法可做的或可有的事物     Everyone has a right to a fair trial. 人人有权要求获得公正审判.     have no rights as a UK citizen 没有英国公民所享有的权利     Do the police have the right of arrest in this situation? 在此情况下警方有逮捕权吗? 3 rights [pl] legal authority or claim 法定权力或要求     the film, translation, foreign rights (of a book), ie authority to make a film of it, translate it, sell it abroad, etc (某书的)改编成电影的制片权, 翻译权, 向国外发行权     all rights reserved, ie protected or kept for the owners of the book, film, etc 版权所有. Cf 参看 copyright. 4 (idm 习语) as of `right/by `right (fml 文) justly; correctly; because of having the proper/legal claim 公正地; 正确地; 基於正当的[合法的]权利     The property belongs to her as of right. 这财产按理说是属於她的. be in the `right have justice and truth on one´s side 正义与真理在自己这边. by right of sth (fml 文) because of sth 因为; 由於     The Normans ruled England by right of conquest. 诺曼人征服了英格兰成了统治者. by `rights if justice were done (which, by implication, seems unlikely); in justice 要是公正的话(言外之意不大可能); 公正地     By rights, half the reward should be mine. 按理说, 有一半奖赏应该是我的. do right by sb treat sb fairly 公正地对待某人. in one´s own `right because of a personal claim, qualification, etc 凭本身的权利、 资格等     She´s a peeress in her own right, ie not merely by marriage to a peer. 她本身就是贵族(并非因嫁给了贵族). put/set sb/sth to `rights correct sb/sth; put (things) in order 纠正某人[某事物]的错误; 使(事物)就绪     It took me ages to put things to rights after the workmen had finished. 工人干完活儿後, 我用了很长时间才收拾好. the rights and `wrongs of sth true facts 事实; 真相. stand on one´s `rights insist on being treated in a way that one can properly claim one is entitled to 坚持自己的权利. two wrongs don´t make a right => wrong n. within one´s `rights(to do sth) not exceeding one´s authority or entitlement不超越自己权力或权利的范围     He´s quite within his rights to demand an enquiry. 他完全有权要求进行调查. right v [Tn] ~ itself/sth 1 return itself/sth to a proper, correct or upright position 使某物回复到适当的、 正确的或直立的位置     I managed to right the car after it skidded. 汽车滑向一侧, 我立即控制住了.     The ship righted itself after the big wave had passed. 大浪过後, 船又平稳了. 2 correct itself/sth 纠正或改正某事物: right a wrong 改正错误     The fault will right itself (ie will correct itself without help) if you give it time. 只要过一些时候, 这个毛病就能自行更正了.




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