

单词 return
释义 return v 1 [I, Ipr] (a) ~ (to...) (from...)come or go back to a place 回; 返回     return (home) from a holiday 度假归来     return to Paris from London 从伦敦回巴黎     She returned to collect her umbrella. 她回来取伞. (b) ~ (to sb/sth) come or go back to an earlier activity or condition 恢复原先的活动或情况     doubts, symptoms, suspicions that return constantly 经常反覆出现的疑惑、 症状、 怀疑     My good humour/spirits soon returned. 我的心情[情绪]很快又好起来了.     I shall return to this point (ie discuss it again) later. 我稍後再谈这个问题.     return to one´s old habits 恢复旧习惯     The bus service has returned to normal after the strike. 罢工结束後公共汽车恢复了正常的运营. 2 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.a, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sth/sb) bring, give, put or send sth back 带回、 归还、 放回或送回某物     Please return all empties, ie empty milk bottles. 请把空瓶全部退回.     (fml 文) She returned the bird to its cage. 她把鸟放回笼子里.     I returned the letter unopened. 我把那封信原封退回了.     Please return me my 5/return my 5 to me. 请把我的5英镑还给我. (b) [Tn] give (sth) in response; reciprocate 给予(某事物)作为报答; 回报; 回礼     return an invitation, a visit 回请、 回访     return a greeting, stare, salute, etc 回应问候、 回瞪一眼、 还礼     return a compliment/favour 回应赞语[报答恩惠]     I cannot return your love/affection. 我无法回报你的爱[情意].     The enemy returned our fire. 敌人向我们还击.     He returned the blow smartly. 他狠狠地还击了一拳. (c) [Tn] (in cricket, tennis, etc) send (a ball) back (板球、 网球等)回击(球)     return a shot, service, volley, etc 把对方的抽球、 发球、 凌空球击回. 3 [Tn] (fml 文) state or describe (sth) officially, esp in reply to a formal demand for information 正式宣布或表明(某事物)(尤指回应正式的询问)     return the details of one´s income, ie to a tax inspector 申报个人收入细目(报税)     The jury returned a verdict of guilty. 陪审团宣布裁决被告有罪. 4 [Tn] give (sth) as profit 产生(利润)     Our investment accounts return a high rate of interest. 我们的投资项目利润回报很高. 5 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态     Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n/a] ~sb (to sth); ~ sb (as sth) elect sb as a Member of Parliament 选举某人为议员     He was returned to Parliament with a decreased majority. 他以有所减少的多数票当选为议员.     Smith was returned as MP for Bath. 史密斯当选为巴斯市的议员. 6 [Tn] (dated 旧) say (sth) in answer; reply 回答说(某话); 答覆     `Never!´ he returned curtly. `决不!'他唐突地答道. 7 (idm 习语) return to the `fold (fml 文) rejoin a group of people, esp a religious or political group with similar beliefs or aims 重新加入组织(尤指具有相同之信仰或目标的宗教或政治组织). return n 1 [sing] (a) ~ (to...) (from...)coming or going back to a place 返回     on my return home (from Italy), ie when I got/get back 我(从意大利)回国时     [attrib 作定语] a return trip, voyage, flight, etc 陆上、 海上、 空中等的回程. (b) ~ (to sth) coming or going back to an earlier activity or condition 恢复原先的活动或情况     a return of my doubts, symptoms, suspicions 我的疑惑、 症状、 怀疑再次出现     the return of spring 春之归来     a return to normal working hours, old habits 正常工作时间、 旧习惯的恢复. 2 [C, U] ~ (to sb/sth) bringing, giving, putting or sending back 带回; 归还; 放回; 送回     the return of library books, milk bottles, faulty goods 图书馆借阅书籍的归还、 牛奶瓶的回收、 残货的退货     The deposit is refunded on return of the vehicle. 押金於归还车辆时退还.     no deposit, no return, eg as a notice on a non-returnable bottle, etc 不收押金亦不退瓶等(告示用语)     These flowers are a small return (ie token of thanks) for your kindness. 向您献花聊表谢忱.     Her return of service (ie at tennis) was very fast. 她击回发球很快(在网球赛中).     [attrib 作定语] return shots 击回抽球. 3 [C] official report or statement, esp one made in reply to a formal demand 正式报告或陈述(尤指回应正式要求的)     make one´s`(income-)tax return 做所得税的申报     the e`lection returns, ie figures of the voting at an election 选举结果报告(公布票数). 4 [C esp pl 尤作复数] ~ (on sth) profit from a transaction, etc 赢利; 收益     disappointing returns on capital, investment, etc 令人失望的资本、 投资等的收益     You´ll get a good return on these shares. 投资这种股票可获优厚利润.     small profits and quick returns, ie the theory behind businesses that rely on large sales and a quick turnover 薄利多销. 5 [C] (Brit) (US round trip) ticket for a journey to a place and back again 来回票; 往返票; 双程票     weekend, period, etc returns 周末的、 定期的...双程票     a ,day-`return to London, ie valid only for the day of issue 去伦敦的当日往返票. Cf 参看 single 5. 6 [C] theatre ticket bought and then sold back to the box-office (购买後又退还票房的)退票     queuing for returns 排队购买退票. 7 (idm 习语) by re`turn (of `post) (Brit) by the next post 由下一班邮递     Please reply by return. 请即赐覆.     Write now to this address and we will send you a free sample by return. 按此地址函索即免费寄奉样品. in return (for sth) as payment or reward (for sth) 作为(对某物)的付款或回报     I bought him a drink in return for his help. 我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助. many happy returns => happy. the point of no return => point1. sale or return => sale.




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