

单词 rest
释义 rest v 1 (a) [I, Ipr] ~ (from sth) be still or asleep; stop moving or working, esp in order to regain one´s strength 静止; 睡眠; 停止活动或工作; (尤指)休息     lie down and rest (for) an hour after lunch 午饭後躺下休息一小时     resting from our exertions, efforts, etc 劳作、 工作後休息一下     (fig 比喻) He will never rest (ie never have peace of mind) until he knows the truth. 他不获真相是不会安心的. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] cause or allow (sth/sb) to do this 使或让(某物[某人])静止、 睡眠或休息     You should rest your eyes after a lot of reading. 长时间阅读後应该让眼睛休息一下.     Sit down and rest your legs. 坐下歇歇腿儿吧.     Are you rested enough to go on? 你是否歇够了可以接著干了? 2 [Ipr, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) on/against sth lie or be placed on/against sth for support 躺或倚靠在某物上; 靠某物支撑     Her elbows rested/She rested her elbows on the table. 她的肘部[她把肘部]靠在桌子上.     Rest the ladder against the wall. 把梯子靠在墙上. 3 [Ipr] ~ on sb/sth depend or rely on sb/sth 依靠或依赖某人[某事物]     British hopes of a medal rested on Ovett. 英国把获得奖牌的希望寄托在奥维特的身上. 4 [Ipr] ~ on sb/sth (of a look, etc) be directed steadily at sb/sth (指目光等)停留在某人[某物]上     His gaze/eyes rested on her face. 他双眼凝视著她的脸. 5 [I] (fml 文) (of a subject under discussion) be left without further investigation or pursuit (指问题的探讨)中止     let the matter, topic, affair, etc rest 使事情、 话题、 事务等到此为止     The matter cannot rest there I demand an apology. 事情不能就此罢了--我要求向我道歉. 6 [I, Tn] (esp law 尤用於法律) conclude (one´s case); have no more to say about (sth) 停止(举证); 自动停止陈述(某事)     The defence rests. 被告陈述完毕.     I rest my case. 本人对案情陈述完毕. 7 [I] (euph or fig 婉或比喻) be buried 长眠; 安息     May he rest (ie lie in his grave) in peace. 愿他安息. 8 [I, Tn] (cause land to) be free from disturbance, etc (使土地)休耕     Let this field rest/Rest this field for a year. 让这块田地休耕一年. 9 (idm 习语) rest assured (that...)(fml 文) be certain that... 放心...     You may rest assured that everything possible is being done. 你尽管放心, 正在尽力把一切都做好. rest on one´s `laurels (esp derog 尤作贬义) stop trying to achieve further successes; become complacent 满足於既有的成绩而不思进取; 自满. 10 (phr v) rest on sth (no passive 不用於被动语态) be based on sth 建立在某事物的基础上; 基於某事物     His fame rests more on his plays than on his novels. 他出名是靠他的戏剧, 并不是靠小说.     an argument, a claim, a theory, etc resting on a false assumption 根据凭空设想而提出的论点、 要求、 理论等. rest with sb (to do sth) (fml 文) be sb´s responsibility (to do sth) (做某事)是某人的责任     The choice rests entirely with you. 这完全由你来选择.     It rests with the committee to decide. 这事要由委员会来决定. rest n 1 [C, U] ~ (from sth) (period of) sleep or inactivity as a way of regaining one´s strength 睡眠或休息(的时间)     have a good night´s rest 睡一宿好觉     stop for a well-earned/-deserved rest 停下来该好好休息一下     have/take a rest from all your hard work 放下繁重的工作休息一下     get some, no, more, etc rest 稍事、 得不到、 再多...休息(一下)     Sunday is a day of rest. 星期日休息. =>Usage at break2 用法见break2. 2 [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) support for an object; prop 支承物; 支撑物; 支架; 支座; 托; 台     a rest for a billiard cue, telescope, telephone receiver 台球杆的搁架、 望远镜的支架、 电话听筒的托架     an `arm-, `head-, `foot-rest 扶手、 头枕、 搁脚物. 3 [C] (music 音) (sign making an) interval of silence between notes 休止(符)     The trumpets have six bars´ rest. 小号有六小节休止. =>illus at music 见music插图. 4 (idm 习语) at `rest (a) not moving 静止; 不动. (b) free from trouble or anxiety 安宁     (euph 婉) be/lie at rest (ie be buried) in a country churchyard 安息在乡间的教堂墓地里. come to `rest (of a moving object) stop moving (指运动中的物体)停止, 不再移动     The mine finally came to rest on the sea bed. 那水雷最後沉入海底. lay sb to `rest (euph 婉) bury sb 安葬某人     She was laid to rest beside her late husband. 她安葬在亡夫的墓旁. put/set sb´s mind at ease/rest => mind1. rest n the ~ (of sth) 1 [sing] the remaining part; the remainder of some amount 剩余部分; 其余     the rest of the world, my life, her money 世界的其他地方、 我的余生、 她剩下的钱     watch the rest of a film 观看一部影片的剩余部分     Take what you want and throw the rest away. 把你要的拿走, 剩下的扔掉. 2 [pl v] the remaining individuals or number; the others 其余的人或数目; 其他人; 其他事物     While we play tennis what will the rest of you do? 我们打网球, 你们其余的人做什麽呢?     Her hat was red, like the rest of her clothes. 她的帽子是红色的, 跟她衣服的颜色一样. 3 (idm 习语) for the `rest (fml 文) as far as other matters are concerned; apart from that 至於其他; 除此之外     Ensure that our traditional markets are looked after; for the rest, I am not much concerned. 一定要满足我们传统市场的需要, 其他方面倒无所谓. rest NOTE ON USAGE 用法     When speaking about who or what remains from an original total, we use the rest or (more formal) the remainder 表示在原有总体中剩下的人或事物, 可用the rest, 在较庄重场合可用the remainder     Some boys stay on after school; the rest/remainder (of them) go home. 放学後总有些男孩子不走, 其余的人回家.     The rest/remainder of the time was spent swimming. 剩下的时间用来游泳. If something has been partly used or destroyed, we use remains or remnants. 若某物的一部分已用掉或毁掉, 其剩余或残存部分可用 remains或remnants表示. Of food left-overs is often used 若为食物, 则多用left-overs     The remains/remnants/left-overs of the meal (ie the bits of food left uneaten) were fed to the dog. 剩饭喂狗了. Remains is also used of old buildings or dead bodies *remains还可指古旧建筑物或尸体     the remains of an old castle 古堡的废墟     human remains 人的遗体. A relic is a historical object and reminder of the past. *relic指历史遗物、 遗迹以及纪念物品. A residue is what is left after a process, especially a chemical one, has taken place. *residue指某一过程(尤指化学反应)的残余物. There is a green residue in the bottom of the test tube. 试管底部有绿色的沉淀. In a mathematical calculation the remainder (in arithmetic) or the balance (in accounting) is the amount left after subtraction or division. 在数学计算中remainder指(算术中的)差数或余数, balance指(会计学中的)余额或差额.




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