

单词 reply
释义 reply v (pt, pp replied) (a) [I, Ipr, Tf] ~ (to sb/sth); ~ (with sth) say or make an answer, in speech or writing; respond (以口头或书面形式)回答, 答覆     fail to reply to a question, letter, accusation 未能回答问题、 回信、 抗辩指控     I replied with a short note. 我回了一封短信.     `Certainly not,´ she replied. `当然不行,'她答道.     He replied that he was busy. 他答称很忙. (b) [I, Ipr] ~ (to/with sth) give an answer in the form of an action; respond (以行动)作答, 回答     He replied with a nod. 他点了点头作为回答.     The enemy replied to our fire, ie fired back at us. 敌人向我方还击. reply, n 1 [U] act of replying 回答; 答覆     She made no reply. 她没有回答.     What did he do in reply to your challenge? 你提出与他较量, 他作何反应? 2 [C] what is replied; response 回答; 答覆     get/have/receive several replies to an advertisement 收到回应广告的来信     [attrib 作定语] a reply-paid telegram, envelope, etc, ie paid for by the sender or addressee 已付回电费的电报、 邮资已付的回邮信封. Cf 参看 answer1.




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