

单词 betray
释义 betray v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (to sb) hand over or show sb/sth disloyally (to an enemy) (向敌人)出卖某人或泄漏某事     betraying state secrets 泄漏国家机密     Judas betrayed Jesus (to the authorities). 犹大(向当局)出卖了耶稣. 2 [Tn] be disloyal to (sth) 背叛(某事物)     betray one´s country, one´s principles 背叛自己的国家、自己的原则     In failing to return the money he betrayed our trust. 他未能归还那笔钱而辜负了我们的信任. 3 [Tn] (a) show (sth) unintentionally; be a sign of 无意中显示出(某事物); 显露出; 表现出     She said she was sorry, but her eyes betrayed her secret delight. 她说她很难过, 但从她的眼神里却流露出她内心的喜悦.     His accent betrayed the fact that he was foreign. 他的口音显露出他是外国人. (b) ~ oneself show what or who one really is 暴露出本来面目     He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he betrayed himself, ie he was recognized by his voice. 他伪装得很好, 可是一说话就原形毕露了(听他的声音就能认出他来).




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