

单词 relay
释义 relay n 1 fresh set of people or animals taking the place of others who have finished a period of work 接班的人员或动物     Rescuers worked in relays to save the trapped miners. 救援人员轮班工作以营救遇难的矿工.     A new relay of horses was harnessed to the cart.用作轮换的马都已套到了那辆马车上. Cf 参看 shift2 2.2 (also `relay race) race between teams in which each member runs, swims, etc part of the total distance, the second, etc member starting when the first, etc finishes (赛跑、 游泳等的)接力赛     [attrib 作定语] a relay team, runner, etc 接力队、 赛跑运动员等. 3 (a) (radio 无) electronic device for receiving signals and transmitting them again with greater strength, thus increasing the distance over which they are carried 中继设备     [attrib作定语] a relay station 中继站. (b) broadcast, programme or telegraph message sent out in this way 无线电转播; 转播的节目; 无线电中继通讯     a relay from Radio Hamburg 汉堡广播电台的转播. relay v (pt, pp relayed) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from...) (to...) 1 receive and pass on (eg a message) 收到并传出(如信息)     relay the colonel´s orders to the troops 向部队传达上校的命令. 2 (Brit) broadcast (sth) by passing signals through a transmitting station 转播(某事)     a concert relayed live from the Royal Albert Hall 从皇家艾伯特大厅实况转播的音乐会     The pop festival was relayed all round the world. 流行音乐会的实况已向全世界转播.




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