

单词 reaction
释义 reaction n 1 [C, U] ~ (to sb/sth) response to a situation, an act, an influence, etc (对情况、 行动、 影响等做出的)反应, 回应     What was his reaction to the news? 他对这消息的反应如何?     Her arrest produced an immediate/a sudden reaction from the press. 她被捕的事立刻[突然]在新闻界引起反响.     the shocked reaction of schools to education cuts 学校对削减教育经费的激烈反应     Reaction to his taunts will only encourage him. 别理会他恶言寻衅, 一理他更来劲儿. 2 [sing] physical response, usu a bad one, to a drug, chemical substance, etc (由药物、 化学物质等引起的)生理上的反应(通常指不良反应)     an allergic reaction to animals, birds, etc 对兽类、 鸟类等的变态反应     I had a bad reaction after my typhoid injection. 我注射伤寒针剂後产生了不良反应. 3 [sing, U] return to a previous state after a period of the opposite condition 回复到原来的状态; 复旧     After all the excitement there was (an inevitable) reaction, eg a time when life seemed dull again. 热闹一番过後, (不可避免地)又恢复了旧观(生活沉闷如故). 4 [U] opposition to (esp political) progress or reform 反对(尤指政治的)进步或改革; 反动     The forces of reaction made reform difficult. 反动势力给改革造成了困难. 5 [C, U] chemical change producedby two or more substances acting upon each other 化学反应     nuclear reaction, ie change within the nucleus of an atom 核反应.




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