

单词 reach
释义 reach v 1 [Ipr, Ip] ~ for sth; ~ out (to sb/sth) stretch out (one´s hand) in order to touch, grasp or take sth 伸出(手)以触到、 抓到或拿到某物     He reached for his gun. 他伸手去拿枪.     I reached across the table for the jam. 我伸手到桌子那端去拿果酱.     (fig 比喻) We must reach out to those in need. 我们应该伸出援助之手, 帮助有困难的人. 2 [Tn.p, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth down/over; ~ sth (down/over) for sb (infml 口) stretch one´s hand out or up and take sth; get and give sth (to sb) 伸手取某物; 把某物递给(某人)     Please reach (me) the atlas down from the bookshelf. 请把那本地图册从书架上取下来(递给我).     Can you reach me (over) my slippers? They´re under the bed. 你能把我的拖鞋递给我吗? 拖鞋在床底下呢. 3 [Ipr, Tn] ~ (to) sth extend to sth; be able to stretch up, out, etc and touch sth 延伸到某处; 够得著某物     I can just about reach the apples on the top branch. 我只差一点就能够著最上边树枝上的苹果.     My feet can hardly reach the pedals. 我的脚怎麽也够不著踏板.     Her hair nearly reached down to her waist. 她的头发几乎垂到了腰部. 4 [Tn] communicate with (sb) esp by telephone 与(某人)取得联系; (尤指)给(某人)打电话     reach her at home on 0355-694162 拨0355-694162号码打电话到她家与她联系     I can´t reach him by phone/on the phone. 我打电话找不到他. 5 [Tn] (a) go as far as (sb/sth/a place); get to or arrive at 到达(某人[某物])那里; 到达(某处)     reach York by one o´clock 一点钟到约克     reach the end of the chapter 读到这一章的末尾     reach a speed of 500 mph 达到每小时500英里的速度     Not a sound reached our ears. 我们一点声音都听不见.     The rescuers reached him just in time. 救援人员及时赶到他那里. (b) achieve (sth); attain 达成(某事物); 达到; 获得     reach a conclusion, decision, verdict, etc 做出结论、 决定、 判决等     You´ll know better when you reach my age. 你到了我这样的年纪就明白多了.     The appeal fund has reached its target of 10000. 吁请捐助的款项已达到10000英镑这一预定目标.     We can never reach perfection. 我们不可能做到尽善尽美. 6 (idm 习语) sth comes to/reaches sb´s ears => ear1. hit/make/reach the headlines => headline (head1). reach for the stars be very ambitious 雄心壮志; 野心勃勃. reach, n 1 [sing] extent to which a hand, etc can be stretched out 伸手等可达到的距离     a boxer with a long reach 出拳距离远的拳击手. 2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] continuous extent of a river between two bends or of a canal between two locks (河流两弯曲处或运河两船闸之间的)河段     the upper/lower reaches of the Thames 泰晤士河的上[下]游. 3 (idm 习语) beyond/out of/within (one´s) `reach (a) outside or inside the distance that a hand, etc can be stretched out 手不能及[伸手可及]     have a dictionary within (arm´s) reach 把词典放在(伸手)够得著的地方     The shelf is so high it is well out of/beyond my reach. 架子太高, 我根本够不著.     Keep those medicines out of reach of the children/out of the children´s reach. 把那些药放在孩子够不著的地方. (b) (fig 比喻) beyond or within sb´s/sth´s capability, authority, effectiveness, etc 非[为]某人的[某事物的]能力、 权力、 影响等所能及     concepts beyond the reach of one´s intelligence 本人不能理解的概念     Such highly-paid jobs are out of his reach. 这类报酬高的工作没有他的份儿.     The gang live abroad, beyond reach of the British police. 这帮匪徒住在国外, 英国警方鞭长莫及. within (easy) `reach (of sb/sth) inside a distance that can be travelled (easily) 在可(易於)前往的距离以内     The hotel is within easy reach of the beach. 这家旅馆离海滩很近.




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