

单词 rare
释义 rare adj (-rst) 1 not often happening or seen, etc; unusual 稀有的; 罕见的; 不寻常的     a rare occurrence, sight, visitor 稀罕事、 罕见的景象、 稀客     a rare book, plant, butterfly, ie one of only a few that exist珍本书、 珍奇的植物、 稀有的蝴蝶     With rare exceptions, he does not appear in public now. 除了极其个别的情况外, 他现在不公开露面.     It is rare for her to arrive late. 她很少有迟到的时候. 2 [attrib 作定语] (dated 旧) unusually good or great 极好的; 极大的     be shy, tolerant, etc to a rare degree 极为 腆、 宽容等     We had a rare (old) time at the party. 我们在聚会时玩得高兴极了. 3 (of gases, esp the atmosphere) of less than usual density (指气体, 尤指空气)?quot;〉? rare, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     A thing or an event may be rare when it is found or occurs infrequently. 很少见到的东西或很少发生的现象, 可用rare一词来表达. It may once have been common 这类东西或现象可能在过去很普通     The panda is now a rare animal. 熊猫现在是稀有动物.     A top hat is a rare sight these days. 高顶大礼帽现在已不多见. It may have a special value 这类事物有的可能有特殊价值     a painting of rare distinction 一幅希世之珍的画儿. Something, usually a thing in daily use, is scarce when it is hard to get because it is in short supply 有些东西, 通常为日用品, 因匮乏而难以得到, 即是scarce     Water is scarce in the desert. 在沙漠里水是很难得到的.     Strawberries are scarce this year. 今年草莓很少. rare adj (usu of beef) cooked so that the inside is still red and juicy; underdone (通常指牛肉)半熟的(里面色红肉嫩的)     a (medium-) rare steak 半生半熟的牛排.




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