

单词 rape
释义 rape v[Tn] commit the crime of forcing (a woman or girl) to have sexual intercourse against her will 强奸(女子). rape, n [C, U] 1 (act of) raping; being raped 强奸     commit two rapes 犯两次强奸罪     Is rape on the increase? 强奸案是否越来越多了?     Her rape had a profound psychological effect on her. 她被强奸这件事造成了她心理上的严重创伤. 2 (fig 比喻) act of violently interfering with sth 肆意损坏某事物     the rape of the countryside, eg by removing ancient hedges 对乡村的破坏(如拆除古老的树篱). rape n [U] plant grown as food for farm animals and for its seed, from which oil is made 油菜, 芸薹(可作饲料, 种子可榨油)     a field of rape 一块油菜田     ,rape-seed `oil 油菜籽油     ,oilseed `rape 油料作物油菜.




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