

单词 belt
释义 belt n 1 strip of leather, cloth, etc usu worn around the waist 腰带; 裤带     a coat with a belt attached 有腰带的外套     a `sword-belt 佩剑带     You don´t need braces if you´re wearing a belt! 若系著腰带, 就用不著背带了! 2 endless moving strap, used to connect wheels and so drive machinery or carry things along 传动带; 传送带: a `fan belt 风扇皮带     a con`veyor belt 运输带. 3 distinct area, region or extent; zone 地带; 分区; 地区; 区域     a country´s `cotton, `forest, in`dustrial, etc belt 国家的产棉、森林、工业等地区     live in the com`muter belt 住在通勤者居住带     a belt of rain moving across the country 经该国而移动的降雨带. 4 (sl 俚) heavy blow 重击; 痛打. 5 (idm 习语) (hit sb) below the `belt (fight) unfairly 用不正当手段(攻击). tighten one´s belt => tighten (tight). under one´s `belt (infml 口) achieved; obtained 达到的; 获得的     She already has good academic qualifications under her belt. 她已获得良好学历. belt, v 1 (a) [Tn] put or fasten a belt round (sth) 围绕(某物)系上带子     Your mackintosh looks better belted. 你的雨衣系上带子更好看. (b) [Tn.pr, Tn.p] attach (sth) with a belt 用带子系住(某物)     The officer belted his sword on. 军官用皮带扣住佩刀. 2 [Tn, Dn.n] (sl 俚) thrash (sb); hit 抽打(某人); 打     If you don´t shut up, I´ll belt you (one). 你再不闭嘴, 我就揍你(一顿). 3 (phr v) belt along, up, down, etc (sl 俚) move very fast in the specified direction 向某方向快速移动     A car came belting along (the road). 一辆汽车(沿路)飞速驶来.     He went belting up/down the motorway at 90 mph. 他在高速公路上以每小时90英里的速度疾驶. belt sth out (sl 俚) sing or play sth loudly and forcefully 大声地、强有力地唱出或奏出     a radio belting out pop music 大声播放流行音乐的收音机. belt `up (a) (infml 口) fasten one´s seat-belt (esp in a car) 束紧安全带(尤指乘坐汽车时). (b) (sl 俚) be quiet 安静     Belt up, I can´t hear what your mother is saying! 安静点, 我听不见你母亲说的话了.




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