

单词 put sb to sth
释义 put sb to sth make sb undergo or suffer (inconvenience,trouble, etc) 使某人遭(不便、 麻烦等)     I do hope we´re not putting you to too much trouble. 但愿我们不致使你太为难.     We´ve already been put to great inconvenience. 我们已很感不便. put sth to sb express, communicate or submit sth to sb 向某人表达、 传达或提交某事物     Your proposal will be put to the board of directors. 你的建议将呈交董事会. (a) ask sb (a question) 问某人(问题)     The audience are now invited to put questions to the speaker. 现在请听众向讲演者提问题. (b) ask sb to vote on (an issue, a proposal, etc) 请某人对(某问题、 提议等)进行表决     Let´s put the resolution to the meeting. 咱们将此决议提请会议表决吧.     The question of strike action must be put to union members. 举行罢工这一问题须提请工会会员表决.




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