

单词 propriety
释义 propriety n (fml 文) 1 (a) [U] state of being correct in one´s social or moral behaviour 合乎社交或道德规范的举止; 得体     behave with perfect propriety 举止极为得体     The way tourists dress offends local standards of propriety. 这些游客的穿著在当地人的眼中简直不成体统. (b) the proprieties [pl] details of the rules of correct behaviour 行为规范; 礼节; 规矩     Her use of obscene language offends against the proprieties. 她使用下流的语言是很失礼的事.     Be careful to observe the proprieties. 注意遵守礼仪. 2 [U] ~ (of sth) rightness or suitability; fitness 正确; 适当; 合宜     I am doubtful about the propriety of granting such a request, ie doubt whether it is right. 我怀疑答应这项要求是否合适.




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