

单词 proposal
释义 proposal n 1 [U] action of suggesting or putting forward 提议; 建议     the proposal of new terms for a peace treaty 缔结和平条约新条款的建议. 2 [C] ~ (for sth/doing sth); ~ (to do sth) thing that is suggested; plan or scheme 提案; 建议; 计画; 方案     a proposal for uniting the two companies 将两公司联合起来的建议     Various proposals were put forward for increasing sales. 为提高销售额而提出了各种的建议.     a proposal to offer a discount to regular customers 对经常性的主顾予以折扣优惠的方案. 3 [C] suggestion or request, esp from a man to a woman, that the two should marry 求婚(尤指男向女)     She had had many proposals (of marriage) but preferred to remain single. 许多人向她求过婚, 但她愿过独身生活.




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