

单词 presently
释义 presently adv 1 after a short time; soon 不久; 立刻     I´ll be with you presently. 我马上就来. 2 (esp US) at the present time; now 现在; 目前     The Secretary of State is presently considering the proposal. 国务卿目前正在考虑该项建议. presently, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     When presently means `soon´ it usually comes at the end of the sentence *presently 作`立即'解时通常位於句末     She´ll be here presently. 她马上就来. When it means `after a short time´ it sometimes comes at the beginning 作`很短时间之後'解时有时位於句首     Presently I heard her leave the house. 不一会儿我就听到了她离开屋子的声音. Increasingly in British as well as US English it means `now´ or `currently´ and is placed with the verb 不仅在美式英语中, 而且在英式英语中也逐渐广泛用以指`现在'或`当前', 位置紧靠动词     She´s presently working on her PhD. 她目前在攻读哲学博士学位.




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