

单词 pre-empt
释义 pre-empt v 1 [Tn] obtain (sth) by acting in advance of others 抢先取得(某物); 预先占有(某物). 2 [Tn] (US) occupy (public land) in order to have the right to buy it before others (为获得优先购买权而)占有(公地). 3 [Tn] prevent (sth) by taking action in advance; forestall 抢先采取行动以阻止(某事物); 先发制人     The workers took control of the factory in order to pre-empt its sale by the owners. 工人们先发制人接管了工厂以阻止厂主将工厂出售. 4 [I] (in bridge) make a high opening bid despite having poor cards, in order to prevent further bidding (桥牌中)先发制人叫牌(尽管牌不好也仍叫得很高以阻止对方叫牌).




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