

单词 power
释义 power n 1 [U] (in people) ability to do or act (人的)能力     It is beyond/outside/not within my power (ie I am unable or am not in a position) to help you. 我没有能力帮助你.     I will do everything in my power to help you. 我愿尽我的力量帮助你. 2 (a) [U] (also powers [pl]) particular faculty of the body or mind (生理上或精神上)某方面的能力     He has lost the power of speech. 他丧失了言语能力.     The drug affects one´s power(s) of concentration. 这种药影响人精神不能集中.     He had to use all his powers of persuasion. 他只好尽力进行说服. (b) powers [pl] all the faculties of aperson´s body or mind 体力; 智力     a woman of impressive intellectual powers 智力超群的女人     His powers are failing, ie He is becoming weak. 他的体力正在衰退. 3 [U] strength or energy behind or contained in sth 力; 力量     There was a lot of power behind that blow. 那一击的力量很大.     The ship was helpless against the power of the storm. 那船抵挡不住风暴的力量.     (fig 比喻) They were defeated by the power of her oratory. 她靠能言善辩战胜了他们. =>Usage at strength 用法见strength. 4 [U] (a) control over others 操纵力; 影响力     the power of the law 法律的力量     have sb in one´s power, ie be able to do what one wishes with sb 对某人具有影响力(能操纵某人)     have power over sb/sb´s fate 能决定某人的命运     fall into sb´s power 落入某人的手心中     He made the mistake of underestimating the power of the press. 他犯的错误是低估了新闻界的力量. (b) political control; rule 政权; 统治     seize power, ie in a political coup 夺取政权     This government came (in)to power at the last election. 这一届政府是经最近大选後上台执政的. 5 [C esp pl 尤作复数] right possessed by or given to a person or group; authority (个人或团体所掌握或获得的)职权; 权势     The powers of the police need to be clearly defined. 必须对警方的权限作出明确的规定.     The President has exceeded his powers, ie has done more than he is allowed or has the right to do. 总统已逾越了自己的职权.     (law 律) power of attorney, ie the right to act on sb´s behalf in business or financial matters 委任权(在商务或财务中代表某人之权利). 6 [C] person, group or state with great authority or influence 很有权力或影响力的人、 团体或国家     world powers, ie countries with the most influence in international affairs 世界大国(在国际事务中最具影响力的国家)     `Is the press a great power in your country?´ `Yes, it´s far more important than the Church.´ `贵国的新闻界有很大的影响力吗?'`有, 新闻界比起教会来要重要得多.'     The country was a great naval power in past centuries, ie had great international influence because it had a large navy. 该国在前几个世纪是海上强国.     No power on earth could force me to do it. 谁也不能强迫我做这事. 7 [U] (a) energy that can be harnessed and used to do work 动力     wind, nuclear, hydroelectric power 风力、 核动力、 水电动力     We need to provide industry with power it can afford. 我们需向工业界提供他们负担得起的电力.     [attrib 作定语] the power supply 电源. (b) [attrib 作定语] operated by mechanical or electrical energy 机动的; 电动的     power brakes/steering 动力制动器[转向装置]     power tools 电动工具. (c) (of an engine, etc) capacity or performance (发动机等的)功率, 性能     a car´s power of acceleration 汽车的加速性能     the terrifying power of the huge machine 巨型机器的巨大功率. 8 [C esp sing 尤作单数] (mathematics 数) result obtained by multiplying a number by itself a certain number of times 乘方; 幂     the third power of 2 (= 2 x 2 x 2 = 8) 2的三次幂(= 2 x 2 x 2 = 8)     the second, third, fourth, etc power of x (= x2, x3, x4, etc) x的二次、 三次、 四次等幂(= x2、 x3、 x4等)     to the power of sth, ie multiplied by itself a certain number of times 某数的自乘     44 represents four to the power of four, ie 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256 44表示4自乘4次. 9 [U] (of a lens) capacity for magnifying (指透镜)放大率, 放大倍数     the power of a microscope, telescope, etc 显微镜、 望远镜等的放大倍数. 10 [C] good or evil spirit 神灵; 鬼怪     She believed in the existence of a benevolent power. 她相信有大慈大悲的神仙.     the powers of darkness, ie the forces of evil or of the Devil 邪恶的势力. 11 (idm 习语) the corridors of power => corridor. do sb a `power of good (infml 口) be very beneficial to sb 对某人大有好处     Her holiday has done her a power of good. 她度过了这一假期对她大有好处.     A long cool drink would do us all a power of good! 我们要是能喝上一大杯清凉饮料, 那多好哇! in `power having control or authority 掌握权力     the party in power 执政党     The Government has been in power for two years. 这届政府已执政两年. more power to sb´s `elbow (infml 口) (used to express encouragement to sb doing sth 用以鼓励某人做某事)     She is campaigning for an improved bus service more power to her elbow! 她正在发起一项改进公共汽车运营服务的活动--祝她成功! the (real) power behind the `throne the person who really controls an organization, a country, etc, in contrast to the person who is legally in charge (组织、 国家等中)幕後实际掌握权力的人     The President´s wife was suspected of being the real power behind the throne. 总统夫人有充当幕後掌权者之嫌. the ,powers that `be (often ironic 常作反语) people who control an organization, a country, etc (组织、 国家等之)当权者, 当权派     He was waiting for the powers that be to decide what his next job would be. 他在等待当权派给他分派下一工作.




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