

单词 pound
释义 pound n 1 [C] (a) (abbr 缩写 lb) standard measure of weight, 16 ounces in the avoirdupoissystem, equal to 0.454 kg (常衡)磅(重量单位, 合16盎司或0.454千克)     Apples are sold by the pound. 苹果按磅出售.     The luggage weighs 40 lbs. 这行李重40磅.     He´s eaten a whole pound of plums! 他吃了整整一磅李子. (b) standard measure of weight, 12 ounces in the troy system, equal to 0.373 kg. (金衡)磅(重量单位, 合12盎司或0.373千克). =>App 4, 5 见附录4、 5. 2 [C] (symb 符号为 ) (a) (also ,pound `sterling) unit of British money; 100 pence (英)镑(英国货币单位, 合100便士)     The ticket will cost about a pound. 该票价约为一英镑.     I´ve spent 5 on food today. 今天我买食物花了5英镑.     [attrib 作定语] a five-pound note, ie a banknote for 5 一张五英镑的钞票     a pound coin, ie a coin worth 1 一枚一英镑的硬币. =>App 4 见附录4. Cf 参看 sterling n. (b) unit of money of various other countries, eg Cyprus, Egypt, Ireland, Israel and Malta 镑(其他一些国家如塞浦路斯、 埃及、 爱尔兰、 以色列以及马尔他等的货币单位). (c) the pound [sing] value of the British pound on international moneymarkets 英国货币在外汇市场上的比价     The Governmentis worried about the weakness of the pound (against other currencies). 英国政府忧虑货币(较之其他货币)疲软. 3 (idm 习语) (have, want, demand, etc) one´s pound of `flesh (insist on) receiving the full amount that is legally due to one even when it is morally offensive to do so (坚持)要讨回全部数额(尽管合法但不合理)     Their distress had no effect on him he was determined to have his pound of flesh. 他对他们的不幸无动於衷--坚持向他们讨债. in for a penny, in for a pound => penny. penny wise pound foolish => penny. pound n 1 (formerly) enclosed area in a village where cattle, etc that had strayed were kept until their owners claimed them (旧时)乡村中收留走失的牲畜以待失主认领的围场. 2 (a) place where stray cats and dogs are kept until their owners claim them 收留走失的猫狗以待失主认领的处所. (b) place where motor vehicles that have been parked illegally are kept until their owners claim them 扣押违章停放之机动车以待车主认领的处所. pound v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sth) crush or beat sth with repeated heavy strokes 连续地猛撞或猛击某物     pound crystals (to powder) 把结晶体捣碎(成粉末)     pound garlic (to a paste) in a mortar 在臼中把大蒜舂烂(成糊状)     The ship was pounded to pieces against the rocks. 那船在岩石上撞得粉碎. 2 [Ipr, Ip, Tn] ~ (away) (at/against/on sth) hit (sth) with repeated heavy blows or gunfire 连续地猛击或射击(某物)     the sound of feet pounding on the stairs 楼梯上响起的沉重脚步声     Someone was pounding at the door. 有人在砰砰地敲门.     The heavy guns pounded (away at) the walls of the fort. 重炮对著要塞外墙(不停地)轰击.     Who is that pounding (on) the piano? 是谁用那麽大劲儿弹钢琴呢? 3 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) (of the heart) beat heavily (指心脏)剧烈地跳动     a heart pounding (with fear) (因恐惧)剧烈跳动的心脏     She could feel her heart pounding painfully as she finished the race. 她跑完赛程後感到心脏都快要跳出来了. 4 (idm 习语) pound the `beat (infml 口) (esp of a policeman) regularly patrol an allotted district on foot (尤指警察)在辖区作例行徒步巡逻. 5 (phr v) pound along, down, up, etc move in the direction specified with heavy rapid steps 以沉重而快速的步伐朝某方向移动     The horses came pounding along the track. 马都在沿著跑道奔驰.     Don´t pound up the stairs! 上楼梯脚步轻点吧!




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