

单词 potential
释义 potential adj[attrib 作定语] (a) that can or may come into existence; possible 可能存在或出现的; 可能的     a potential source of conflict 可能引起冲突的根源     a potential leader 可能成为领导者的人     The book is arguably a potential best seller. 该书或可成为一部畅销书. (b) in existence and capable of being developed or used 潜在的; 有潜力的     potential energy, power, resources, etc 潜力、 潜能、 潜在的资源     a machine with several potential uses 具有多种潜在功能的机器. potential, n [U] 1 (a) ~ (for sth) possibility of being developed or used 潜在性; 可能性     She recognized the potential for error in the method being used. 她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错.     He studied the German market to find the potential there for profitable investment. 他对德国的市场进行了研究以寻求投资获利的可能性. (b) qualities that exist and can be developed 潜力; 潜能     exploit/fulfil/realize one´s potential 发掘[发挥/认识]自己的潜力     She has artistic potential/potential as an artist. 她有做艺术家的潜质.     The product has even more potential in export markets. 这种产品在出口市场上甚至会有更大的销售潜力. 2 energy of an electric charge expressed in volts; voltage 电势; 电位; 电压     a current of high potential 高压电.




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