

单词 positive
释义 positive adj 1 with no possibility of doubt; clear and definite 无可怀疑的; 明确的; 确定的     positive instructions, orders, rules, etc 明确的指示、 命令、 规定等     We have no positive proof of her guilt. 我们没有她犯罪的确切证据. 2 ~ (about sth/that...) (of a person) confidently holding an opinion; convinced (指人)有把握的, 确信的     Are you absolutely positive that it was after midnight? 你是否有绝对把握认为那事是在午夜以後发生的?     She was quite positive about the amount of money involved. 她对所涉及的钱数十分肯定. 3 (a) providing help; constructive 有助益的; 建设性的     make positive proposals, suggestions, etc 提出有益的建议、 意见等     Try to be more positive in dealing with the problem. 对解决该问题再积极一些. (b) showing confidence and optimism 自信的; 乐观的     a positive attitude, feeling, etc 乐观的态度、 情绪等     positive thinking, ie a determined mental attitude that helps one achieve success 必胜的思想. 4 (infml 口) absolute; complete 彻底的; 绝对的; 完全的     Her behaviour was a positive outrage. 她的行为残暴到了极点.     It was a positive miracle that we arrived on time. 我们能够及时赶到, 这简直是奇迹. 5 (of the results of a test or an experiment) indicating that a substance is present (指试验或实验的结果)表明存在某物质的, 阳性的     a positive reaction 阳性反应     The tests proved positive. 试验结果呈阳性.     They were hoping for a positive result from the experiment. 他们希望从实验中获得阳性结果. 6 (mathematics 数) (of a quantity) greater than zero (指数量)正的: a positive number 正数     the positive sign (+) 正号. 7 tending towards increase or improvement 倾向於增加或改善的     Positive progress has been achieved during the negotiations. 谈判取得了良好的进展.     There have been positive developments in international relations. 国际关系已逐步改善.     positive discrimination, ie deliberately favouring an underprivileged group, esp in employment policy 具有积极意义的区别对待(尤指在就业政策中所实施的偏向贫困阶层的做法). 8 containing or producing the type of electrical charge produced by rubbing glass with silk 正电的; 正极的     a positive charge 正电荷     the positive terminal of a battery, ie the one through which electric current leaves the battery 电池的正极端子. 9 (of a photograph) showing light and shadows as in nature or in the object photographed, not reversed as in a negative (指照片)正片的     a positive image 正片影像. Cf 参看 negative. 10 (grammar) (of an adjective or adverb) in the simple form, not the comparative or superlative (指形容词或副词)原级的(非比较级的或最高级的). positive, n 1 (grammar) positive adjective 原级形容词     `Silly´ is the positive and `sillier´ the comparative. *silly 是原级形容词, sillier是比较级形容词. 2 positive quality or quantity 确实; 正量; 正数. 3 photograph printed from a negative plate or film (照片的)正片.




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