

单词 beckon
释义 beckon v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Dn.t, Dpr.t] ~ (to) sb (to do sth) make a gesture to sb with the hand, arm or head, usu to make him come nearer or to follow (以手、臂或头部的动作)召唤某人(通常为使之走近或跟随自己)     She beckoned (to) me (to follow). 她招手要我跟著她.     (fig 比喻) City life beckons (ie attracts) many a country boy. 都市生活吸引著许许多多的乡村子弟. 2 (phr v) beckon sb in, on, over, etc gesture to sb to move in a specified direction 示意某人按指定的方向行动     The policeman beckoned us over. 警察打手势让我们通过.     A girl standing at the mouth of the cave beckoned him in. 站在洞口的一个姑娘摆手叫他进去.     They beckoned me into the room. 他们示意我进入房间.




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