

单词 pole-axe
释义 pole-axe n 1 (formerly) axe for use in war, with a long handle (旧时)长柄战斧. 2 long-handled axe-like tool used, esp formerly, by butchers for killing cattle by hitting them on the head 长柄屠斧(尤指旧时屠宰牲畜用的). pole-axe, v [Tn] 1 strike (sb/sth) down with a pole-axe 用长柄斧砍或劈(某人[某物])     (fig 比喻) The punch caught him on the jaw, and he sank down pole-axed, ie completely knocked out. 他颌部挨了一记重拳立即瘫倒在地上. 2 (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) (fig 比喻) overwhelm (sb) with surprise and distress 使(某人)因惊愕、 悲痛而手足无措     We were all absolutely pole-axed by the terrible news. 那可怕的消息传来, 我们都吓得不知所措.




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