

单词 poke
释义 poke v 1 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (with sth) push sb/sth sharply (with a stick, one´s finger, etc); jab sb/sth (用棍棒、 手指等)捅、 拨或戳某人[某物]     poke sb in the ribs, ie nudge him in a friendly way 轻触某人肋部(促其注意)     poke the fire (with a poker), ie to make it burn more strongly 用通条捅火(使之更旺). (b) [Tn.pr] ~ sth in sth make (a hole) in sth by pushing one´s finger, a sharp instrument, etc through it (用手指、 尖物等)在某物上扎(洞)     Poke two holes in the sack so you can see through it. 在袋子上戳两个洞就能透过它看了. (c) [Ipr] ~ at sth make repeated small pushing movements at sth 反覆轻推某物     She poked at her meal unenthusiastically. 她无精打采地拨弄著盘中的饭菜. 2 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] put or move sth in a specified direction, with a sharp push; thrust 猛推某物; 插; 刺     She poked her finger into the hole. 她把手指插入那孔中.     poke food through the bars of a cage 把食物从笼子的栏杆间塞进去     poke one´s head out of a window 把头伸出窗外     Mind you don´t poke her eye out with that stick! 小心别让那杆子扎著她的眼睛!     He poked his head round the door to see if she was in the room. 他在门口探一下头, 看她是否在屋里. =>Usage at nudge 用法见nudge. 3 (idm 习语) poke `fun at sb/sth (usu derog 通常作贬义) make fun of sb/sth; mock or ridicule sb/sth 开某人[某事物]的玩笑; 嘲弄或嘲笑某人[某事物]     He enjoys poking fun at others. 他好开别人的玩笑. poke/stick one´s nose into sth => nose1. 4 (phr v) poke about/around (infml 口) search inquisitively 好奇地寻找或打听     Why are you poking about among my papers? 你为什麽乱翻我的文件? poke out of/through sth; poke out/through/up be visible coming through (a hole, slit, etc); protrude (从洞、 缝等中)呈现, 显露; 伸出     a pen poking out (of sb´s pocket) (从某人口袋中)露出的钢笔     I see a finger poking through (a hole in your glove). 我看见你的手指(从你手套的窟窿里)露出来了.     A few daffodils were already poking up, ie starting to grow. 有几棵水仙花已经开始抽芽. poke, n act of poking; nudge 捅; 拨; 戳; 刺; 轻触     give the fire a poke 拨一拨火     give sb a poke in the ribs 捅某人肋部一下. poke n (idm 习语) buy a pig in a poke => buy.




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