

单词 plain
释义 plain adj (-er, -est) 1 easy to see, hear or understand; clear 清楚的; 明白的; 易懂的; 清晰的     The markings along the route are quite plain. 路线沿途的标志都十分清楚.     in plain English 用浅近的英语     He made it plain (to us) that he did not wish to continue. 他向我们明白表示他不想继续下去.     She made her annoyance plain. 她已怒形於色. 2 (of people or their actions, thoughts, etc) not trying to deceive; frank and direct (指人、 其行为、 思想等)率直的, 坦率的, 直接的     in plain words, ie frankly 明言     a plain answer 直截了当的回答     the plain truth 明显的事实     Let me be plain with you, ie speak openly and frankly     There will have to be some plain speaking. 让我开诚布公跟你说吧. 得公开而明白地谈一谈. 3 (a) not decorated or luxurious; ordinary and simple 不矫饰的; 朴素的; 普通的; 平凡的; 简单的     a plain but very elegant dress 朴素而极雅致的连衣裙     plain food/cooking, ie not spicy or rich 清淡的食物[烹调风味]     plain cake, ie without fruit, etc 纯蛋糕(无水果等配料的)     plain chocolate, ie made without adding milk 纯巧克力. (b) without a pattern or marking on it 没有图案或花纹的     plain paper, ie without lines 无格纸     plain fabric, ie without a pattern or design 素的织物     under plain cover, ie in an envelope without any special marking 在普通信封中(无特殊标记). 4 not beautiful or good-looking 不漂亮的; 不好看的     a few rather plain bits of furniture 几件很不起眼的家具     From a rather plain child she had grown into a beautiful woman. 她从一个相貌平平的女孩成长为一个漂亮的妇人. 5 (idm 习语) in plain `English bluntly or simply expressed 用直率的或简单明了的英语     If you wanted me to go why didn´t you say so in plain English instead of making vague hints? 你想叫我走, 为什麽拐弯抹角而不直说? make oneself plain make one´s meaning clear 表达清楚     There is no more money do I make myself plain? 再也没钱了--我的意思清楚吗? (as) plain as a pikestaff/the nose on one´s face very obvious or clearly visible 一清二楚; 显然易见; 明摆著的事. (all) ,plain `sailing course of action that is simple and free from trouble 十分顺利; 一帆风顺     Once the design problems were solved, it was all/everything was plain sailing. 设计问题一经解决, 就容易办了. plain, adv (esp US) (a) clearly 清楚地     speak plain 清楚地说. (b) absolutely; simply 绝对地; 简直     That is just plain stupid. 那简直是愚不可及. plain n large area of flat land; prairie 平原     a vast, grassy plain 大平原、 草原     the great plains of the American Midwest 美国中西部的大平原. plain n (in knitting) simple basic stitch (编织中的)平针. Cf 参看 purl.




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