

单词 pit
释义 pit n 1 [C] large (usu deep) hollow or opening in the ground (地面的)大坑, (通常指)深坑. 2 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) (a) hole in the ground, usu with steep sides, from which esp minerals are dug out 坑; (尤指)矿井: a `chalk-pit 白垩取土坑     a `gravel-pit 采石场     a `lime-pit 石灰采石场. (b) hole in the ground made for any of various industrial purposes(作工业用途的)坑: a `saw-pit 锯木坑. 3 [C] = coal-mine (coal): go down the pit, ie work as a miner 下井(做矿工). 4 [C] natural hollow in the surface of a plant or an animal´s body 动植物体的自然凹陷处; 窝; 凹     the pit of the stomach, ie the hollow between the ribs below the breastbone, thought to be the place where fear is felt 胸口     `armpit, ie hollow underneath the shoulder where the arm joins the body 腋窝. 5 [C] (a) hollow scar left on the skin, esp after smallpox; pock-mark 皮肤上凹陷的疤痕; (尤指天花的)麻点, 痘痕. (b) small hollow on a surface, esp of metal or glass 物体表面的?quot;枷荽Γㄓ戎附鹗艋虿AУ模? 6 the pit [sing] (Brit) (people sitting in) seats on the ground floor of a theatre behind the stalls 剧院正厅後座(的观众). 7 [sing] (also `orchestra pit) sunken part of the floor of a theatre infront of the stage, for the orchestra 乐池. =>illus at App 1见附录1插图, page ix. 8 (a) [C] sunken area in the floor of a garage or workshop where the underneath part of a vehicle can be examined or repaired (修车处的)检修坑. (b) the pits [pl] (in motor racing) place near the race-track where cars can stop for fuel, new tyres, etc during a race (机动车赛中的)检修加油站. 9 [sing] (US) (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) part of the floor of a commodity exchange used for a particular commodity (某些商品的)交易场所     the `wheat-pit 小麦交易场. 10 the pit [sing] (Bible or rhet 《圣经》或修辞) hell 地狱. 11 [C] hole dug as a trap for wild animals; pitfall (捕猎野兽用的)陷阱. 12 (idm 习语) be the pits (infml 口 esp US) be very bad or the worst example of sth 极坏; 最糟糕     The comedian´s performance was the pits! 这喜剧演员的表演糟透了!     The food in this restaurant is the pits! 这家饭馆的东西难吃极了! pit, v (-tt-) 1 [Tn, Tn.pr esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sth (with sth) make pits (pit 5) or hollows in sth 使某物上有凹陷、 有麻点     Acid had pitted the surface of the silver. 酸把银器的表面腐蚀了.     a face pitted with smallpox 麻子脸     The surface of the moon is pitted with craters. 月球表面有很多环形坑. 2 (phr v) pit sb/sth against sb/sth test sb/sth in a struggle or competition with sb/sth 使某人[某事物]与他人[他事物]较量     pit one´s wits against the bureaucracy of the tax office 与税务局的官僚作风斗智     pit oneself against the reigning champion 与本届冠军较量. pit n (esp US) = stone 5. pit, v [Tn] (-tt-) (esp US) remove pits from (fruit) 除去(水果)的核     pitted olives 去核的橄榄.




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