

单词 photograph
释义 photograph (also infml 口语作 photo) n 1 picture formed by means of the chemical action of light on a specially prepared surface, eg film or a glass plate, and then transferred to specially prepared paper 照片; 相片     take a photograph (of sb/sth) 给(某人[某物])拍照. 2 (idm 习语) take a good `photograph look attractive in photographs; be photogenic 照出像来好看; 上相; 上镜. photograph, v 1 [Tn] take a photograph of (sb/sth) 给(某人[某物])拍照     photograph the bride, the wedding, a flower 给新娘、 婚礼、 花拍照. 2 [I] (followed by an adv 後接副词) appear in a certain way in photographs 在照片上显出的某种样子     photograph well/badly 照出来好看[不好看]. photographer n person who takes photographs, esp as a job 摄影者; (尤指)摄影师     The competition is open to both amateur and professional photographers. 业余的和职业的摄影者均可参赛.     a newspaper photographer 报社摄影记者     one of the best photographers in the world 世界上最优秀的摄影师之一. Cf 参看 cameraman (camera).




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