

单词 perversion
释义 perversion n 1 (a) [U] changing sth from right to wrong; perverting 变错; 变坏; 反常     the perversion of innocence 纯洁心灵的变坏     the perversion of the evidence to suit powerful interests 因利欲熏心而颠倒是非. (b) [C] perverted form of sth; distortion 歪曲; 颠倒; 曲解     Her account was a perversion of the truth. 她所讲的歪曲了事实. 2 [U] (a) (esp of sexual feelings) being or becoming unnatural or abnormal (尤指对性的情感)反常, 异常     the perversion of normal desires 欲望的反常. (b) [C] (esp sexual) taste or desire which has been perverted (尤指性的)变态心理, 倒错     the treatment of sexual perversion by psychotherapy 用心理疗法医治性变态     His craving for publicity has become almost a perversion. 他渴望出风头已迹近病态.




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