

单词 peg
释义 peg n 1 wooden, metal or plastic pin or bolt, usu narrower at one end than the other, used to hold things together, to hang things on, to mark a position, etc (木、 金属或塑料的)钉, 栓, 销, 挂钉, 短桩. 2 (a) pin fastened to a wall or door, on which hats and coats may be hung 挂衣帽的钩或钉     a hat/coat peg 挂帽钉[挂衣钩]. (b) (also `tent-peg) pin hammered into the ground to hold one of the ropes of a tent in place 系帐篷的桩. =>illus 见插图. (c) pin used to mark a position, eg on a piece of land 界桩(如在地界上的): a surveyor´s peg 测标. 3 small wooden or metal pin or bolt used to fasten together esp pieces of wood (木或金属的)小钉,小栓. 4 = clothes-peg (clothes). 5 (also `tuning peg) any of several wooden screws for tightening or loosening tension in the strings of a violin, etc (提琴等上的)琴轸, 琴栓. 6 piece of wood used to seal the vent in a barrel, etc (桶等的)孔塞. 7 (also peg-leg) (infml 口) (a) artificial leg, usu wooden 假腿(通常为木制的). (b) person with an artificial leg 装有假腿的人. 8 (idm习语) a peg to hang sth on reason, excuse or opportunity for (doing) sth (做)某事的理由、 藉口或机会     a minor offence which provided a peg to hang their attack on 给人以攻击口实的小过失. off the `peg (of clothes) not made to measure; ready-made (指衣服)现成的     buy a suit off the peg 买一套成衣     [attrib 作定语] an off-the-peg suit 一套成衣. a square peg => square1. ,take sb `down a peg (or two) make (a proud or conceited person) more humble 煞(傲慢或自负者)的傲气、 锐气或威风. peg v (-gg-) 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] fasten (sth) with pegs 用钉或桩等固定(某物): peg a tent 用桩固定帐篷     peg the clothes (out) on the line 把衣服用衣夹夹在晾衣绳上     peg sth in place 用钉子将某物固定住. 2 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态     Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (at sth) fix or keep (wages or prices) at a certain level 使(工资或价格)固定或维持在某水平上     Pay increases were pegged at five per cent. 工资增长率已限制在百分之五. 3 (idm 习语) level pegging => level1. 4 (phr v) peg away (at sth) (infml 口) work hard and persistently 坚持不懈努力工作     He´s been pegging away at his thesis for months. 他写论文已经忙了几个月了. peg sb down (to sth) force or persuade sb to be specific or make a definite promise; pin sb down 迫使或说服某人表态、 落实或承诺     I pegged him down to a price for the work. 我已经让他把那作品的价钱定妥.




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