

单词 pass
释义 pass n 1 success in an examination 及格     get a pass in French 法语及格     2 passes and 3 fails 两门及格, 三门不及格. 2 (a) paper or card giving sb permission, eg to enter, leave or be absent from a place 通行证; 许可证     All visitors must show their passes before entering the building. 参观者须出示许可证方可进入该建筑物.     There is no admittance without a pass. 无通行证者不得入内. (b) any of various types of bus ticket or train ticket, esp one allowing sb to travel regularly along a particular route over a specified period of time or to travel at a reduced fare or free of charge (公共汽车或火车的)乘车券(尤指在某期间在某固定路线上使用的或优待或免费搭乘的票据)     a monthly bus pass, ie one that is valid for a month 公共汽车月票. 3 ~ (to sb) (in football, hockey, Rugby, etc) act of kicking, hitting or throwing the ball to a player of one´s own side (足球、 曲棍球、 橄榄球等中的)传球     a long pass to the striker 给前锋的长传. 4 (route through a) gap or low point in a range of mountains 关隘; 山口; 山道; 山路. 5 (in card-games) act of not playing a card or making a bid when it is one´s turn (纸牌戏中)不出牌, 不叫牌, 弃权. 6 (esp in conjuring) movement of the hand or of sth held in the hand over or in front of sth (尤指变戏法时)用手或手中物对某物施遮眼法的动作, 手法     The conjuror made a few passes with his hand over the hat. 魔术师用手在帽子上方来回移动了几下. 7 (in fencing) thrust or lunge (击剑中的)戳刺, 滑刺, 滑剑. 8 (idm 习语) bring sth to `pass (fml 文) cause sth to happen 使某事发生. come to `pass (fml 文) actually occur as predicted, planned or hoped for 实现; 发生     Many people would like the electoral system to be reformed but I don´t believe this will ever come to pass. 很多人都想要改革选举制度, 但我认为不可能实现. come to such a `pass/a pretty `pass reach a sad or critical state 处境不妙; 情况危急     Things have come to a pretty pass when the children have to prepare their own meals. 要孩子自己动手做饭, 事情就一塌糊涂了. make a pass at sb (infml 口) try to attract sb sexually 向某人调情. sell the pass => sell. pass v 1 [I, Tn] move forward or to the other side of (sb/sth) 前行, 穿行, 越过(某人[某物])     The street was so crowded that cars were unable to pass. 街道十分拥挤, 汽车无法通行.     pass a barrier, sentry, checkpoint, etc 通过障碍、 哨卡、 检查站等     (fig 比喻) Not a word passed her lips, ie She said nothing. 她一言不发. 2 [I, Tn] leave (sb/sth) on one side or behind as one goes forward; go past (sb/sth) 越过, 经过(某人[某物])     Turn right after passing the Post Office. 过了邮局向右拐.     She passed me in the street without even saying hello. 她在街上从我身旁走过, 连招呼都不打.     I pass the church on my way to work. 我上班时经过教堂.     A car passed (ie overtook) me at 90 mph on the motorway. 在高速公路上有一辆汽车以每小时90英里的速度越过了我. 3 [Ipr, Ip] go or move in the specified direction 沿某方向行进或移动     The procession passed slowly down the hill. 队伍从山上慢慢向山下移动.     We passed through Oxford on our way to London. 我们在去伦敦的路上经过牛津.     He glanced at her and then passed on, ie continued to walk forward. 他看了她一眼, 然後继续朝前走. 4 [Tn.pr] cause sth to move in the specified direction or to be in a certain position 使某物沿某方向移动; 使某物移至某位置     She passed her hand across her forehead. 她用手抹了一下额头.     pass a thread through the eye of a needle 引线穿针     pass a rope round a post 把绳子绕在柱子上. 5 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) give sth to sb by handing it to him 将某物递给某人     Pass (me) the salt, please. 请把盐递给我.     They passed the photograph round, ie from one person to the next. 他们传看照片.     Pass me (over) that book. 把书递给我.     She passed the letter to Mary. 她把信转交给玛丽了. 6 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) (in football, hockey, Rugby, etc) kick, hit or throw (the ball) to a player of one´s own side (在足球、 曲棍球、 橄榄球中)将球传、 踢、 击、 掷给己方队员     He passed (the ball) to the winger. 他传给边锋(一个球). 7 [Ipr] ~ to sb be transferred from one person to another, esp by inheritance 传; (尤指)继承, 遗传     On his death, the title passed to his eldest son. 他死後, 爵位传给了长子. 8 [Ipr] ~ from sth to/into sth change from one state or condition to another 从一种状况变成另一种状况     Water passes from a liquid to a solid state when it freezes. 水结冰是由液态变为固态.     pass from boyhood to manhood (他)从童年长到成年. 9 (a) [I] (of time) go by; be spent (指时间)消逝, 过去     Six months had passed, and we still had no news of them. 六个月过去了, 我们仍然没有他们的消息.     The holidays passed far too quickly. 假期过得太快了. (b) [Tn] occupy or spend (time) 消磨, 打发, 度过(时间)     What did she do to pass the time (ie to make the period of boredom less tedious) while she was convalescing? 她在康复期间做些什麽来消磨时间呢?     How did you pass the evening? 你晚上是怎麽过的? 10 [I] come to an end; be over 结束; 完结     They waited for the storm to pass. 他们等待暴风雨过去.     His anger will soon pass. 他生气一会儿就完. 11 (a) [I, Tn] achieve the required standard in (an examination, a test, etc) 考(试)及格; 测验合格     You´ll have to work hard if you want to pass (the exam). 要想考(试)及格就得用功.     She hasn´t passed her driving test yet. 她驾驶测验没合格. (b) [Tn] examine (sb/sth) and declare to be satisfactory or acceptable 考核(某人[某事物])後宣布合格或通过     The examiners passed all the candidates, ie decided that their work was of the required standard. 主考人评定全部考生合格. 12 (a) [Tn] approve (a bill, law, proposal, etc) by voting 表决通过(法案、 法规、 建议等)     Parliament passed the bill. 议会通过了该法案.     The motion was passed by 12 votes to 10. 那动议以12票对10票通过. (b) [I, Tn] (esp of a bill, law, proposal, etc) be approved or accepted by (a parliament, an assembly, etc) (尤指法案、 法规、 建议等)被(议会、 大会等)通过或批准     The bill passed and became law. 该法案已通过成为法规.     This film will never pass the censors, eg because it is too sexually explicit. 这部电影一定不能通过审查这一关(如因色情过於露骨). 13 [I] be allowed or tolerated 许可; 容忍; 放过     I don´t like it, but I´ll let it pass, ie will not make objections. 我不喜欢, 但就让它过去吧.     His rudeness passed without comment, ie People ignored it. 他粗鲁无礼而未受到批评.     Such behaviour may pass in some circles but it will not be tolerated here. 这种行为在某些圈子里可能行得通, 但在这里是不允许的. 14 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on sb/sth) pronounce or utter sth (used esp as in the expressions shown) 宣布某事(尤用於以下示例)     pass sentence (on sb found guilty of a crime) (对罪名成立的人)宣判     pass judgement on a matter 宣布对某事的裁决 * pass a remark 作评论. 15 [I, Ipr] ~ (between A and B) happen; be said or done 发生; 说出或做出     after all that has passed between them 尽管他们之间有过这些事. 16 [Tn] go beyond the limits of (sth) (used esp in the expressions shown) 超越、 超出(某事物)的限度(尤用於以下示例)     pass belief, ie be unbelievable 难以相信     pass one´s comprehension, ie be impossible for one to understand 难以理解. 17 [I] (in card-games) not play a card or make a bid when it is one´s turn (纸牌戏中)不出牌, 不叫牌, 弃权. 18 [Tn] send (sth) out from the body as or with urine or faeces 排(大?quot;悖? (随大?quot;悖┡懦?BR>    If you´re passing blood you ought to see a doctor. 要是便血, 就该找医生看看. 19 (idm 习语) make/pass water => water1. ,pass the `buck (to sb) (infml 口) shift the responsibility or blame for sth to sb else 将某事的责任或过失推委给别人. pass the `hat round (infml 口) collect money, esp for a colleague who is ill or to pay for a celebration 集资, 筹款(尤指为生病的同事或搞庆祝活动). pass `muster be accepted as adequate or satisfactory 被认为符合要求; 过得去. pass the time of `day (with sb) greet sb and have a short conversation with him 与某人打招呼和寒暄. ships that pass in the night => ship1. 20 (phr v) pass as sb/sth = pass for sb/sth.




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